Saturday, February 25, 2012

patience is......

If you don't know this about me already.... I’m the sort of person who likes things to happen quickly.  Like right now... this second.  I don't like to wait... ever.  I like things to be a certain way, and my kids to listen to me.  Simple.... right?  You'd think.

Ok... so “Patience” is definitely something I need to work on and really has never been part of my genetic makeup.  But, as I get older, I’m learning that the most important things in life take time – and often a LOT of effort.  Learning to be patient takes time, and somewhat paradoxically, it takes patience to learn to be patient.  I know... you're all laughing at me.... cause you KNOW just writing about being patient is irritating to me.  Ok.. deep breath.

Good things take time.... and as much as I don't enjoy waiting for ANYTHING... I'm stepping back and am promising myself to try to be more patient with myself and others around me.  Really.  My kids are my biggest patience tester, so I've come up with a plan.....let me know if you think it'll work. 

Count to 10. When I feel myself getting frustrated or angry, I'm gong to stop. Count slowly to 10 in my head.  I'm thinking if I count out loud to 10, my kids will learn quickly that this is a good sign to run away.  Either way is a win.

Pretend someone’s watching. I forgot where I read this tip (a couple places, I think), but I think it may be effective. I'm going to pretend I have an audience... like Johnny Depp.  I think I'd be less likely to overreact if someone’s there watching my every move.  Especially a sexy pirate.

Take a break. Often it’s best just to walk away for a few minutes. I'm going to take a break from the situation, just for 5-10 minutes, let myself calm down, plan out my words and actions and solution, and then come back calm as a monk.  (ok you..... Stop laughing.... )

Lastly.... Just laugh. Sometimes I need to remind myself that no one is perfect, (I most CERTAINLY am not!) that life should be fun — and funny. Smile, laugh, be happy.  I really do love to laugh.... so if you're going to irritate me...make sure you're funny.  :)

For life's BIGGER patience testers... I'm going to try to just try to remind myself of things that make me happy.  Like sunshine, Disney and my awesome family and friends.  If that doesn't work... my best advice to you...... just run.

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