Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sing out LOUD!

As many of my closest friends know... I will... in an instant... break out in song. Most of the time, it's while I'm on the phone with my BFF Michele... and it's usually a song she has never heard of and will shake her head in amazement while I belt out a few lyrics. In fact, she always stops me and asks "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SINGING?" However, if you ask her, it does always make her laugh. Objective. MET.

Guess what? Singing is actually GOOD for you!

Now it makes intuitive sense that singing is psychologically good, that it can elevate one's mood or provide an outlet for sadness. But, as I looked into it more, a growing body of science shows that not only is singing mentally healthful, it's also physically good for you.

Check it out:
It can improve the body's immune response.

In elderly people, it can reduce the use of prescription drugs, doctor visits and emergency room care.

The conscious breathing from the diaphragm involved in singing can itself reduce stress.

We all know stress effects the immune system. So it makes sense that when we do something that makes us feel good... the immune system recovers... and gives us a little boost! 

So... despite the fact that my voice is NOT awesome... and I often sing songs that most have never heard of.... it's something that's fun and enjoyable and will always bring a smile to the face of my friends. I will continue on my quest to be the next American Idol.. (ok.. not really).. .and I challenge you all to try it. I bet after singing ONE song.. you'll be in a superfantastic mood and want to pick up the phone and call one of YOUR friends to share the love.

So.... as I go about my day... I have Fun's "We Are Young" bouncing around my head... so drop what you're doing and sing along with me...

So if by the time the bar closes

And you feel like falling down

I'll carry you home



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