Friday, May 17, 2013

cheer up!! Geesh!

Today is one of those days.

Ya know... the ones where the sound of someone eating something crunchy in the office next to yours makes you want to jump on top of them and poke their eyeballs out with a gel pen. Or the urge you get to just let your 5-year-old daughter go to school mismatched, without her hair brushed and looking like a homeless child when she decides to give you attitude at 8:07 am. Oh...and let's not forget that I can't find my freakin' sunglasses and the sun decides to suddenly shine like it's on fire today.  (Yeah... I know... it is!  Whatever... you get my point.)

Yeah... THOSE days.

Ok... let's snap out of this.

Low moods are a bizarre animal. They’re like a nasty drug that hijacks your thoughts and robs you of your intuition and perspective. They make bad things look bigger and good things look smaller. It’s as if they have their own demented gravity, drawing annoyances and inconveniences — not to mention the crappy moods of other people — out of the woodwork towards you. Foul moods don’t seem to emanate from any particular source, or line of thought, they just waft into your headspace when you’re disappointed and vulnerable. They cast a pervasive dullness on the people you meet and the places you visit, and the things you think about.

Have you ever had someone trap you in a long-winded conversation when you have to pee really bad? No matter how patient a listener you are normally, you probably aren’t going to be too receptive. Physical bodily distress overrides all of your other priorities. It’s just mother nature looking out for you. No time for the luxury of a good mood.

It is very tempting (and common) to treat bad moods by indulging one’s wants. The Häagen-Dazs approach is self-comforting. THAT'S BAD.  Beware of this phenomenon: bad moods make you wanty. I say wanty instead of needy because often wants masquerade as genuine needs.  I mean really.... who really NEEDS those $750 pair of shoes I just saw online?  Well... besides me?

Put DOWN the chocolate.  And the credit card.

Ugly moods pass more quickly when you acknowledge them, let them visit you for a bit, and avoid chasing them away with indulgence. So here I am. Acknowledging. Without indulging in twelve pieces of Dove chocolate or booking a trip somewhere. (That last part is KILLING me. Disney has a great special with free dining going on right now....)  Shush.  It IS the happiest place on earth ya know.

Bad moods will come and go for the rest of my life. I'm a girl... it happens.  However, nothing lasts forever and this bad mood will pass with the right attitude. Sometimes we can learn a lot about ourselves when we are in a bad mood. We can recognize our hidden fears and thoughts…it can be a great teacher. Plus... it gave me the opportunity to write and entertain you for a bit. It kind of helps me to laugh at myself and not take it all so seriously.

And now I feel fine again. Look at that.

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