Thursday, March 21, 2013

happy holidays! whatevs...

Someone needs to pull my mother card.

My daughter... with all the sarcasm I've taught her, said to me "Well...that was a pret-ty exciting St. Patrick's Day."

I know. Whatever, I'm not a big St. Patrick's Day kind of a person. Number one.. it’s my mom’s birthday… so we never really celebrated the holiday.  We had cake.  Number two… I’m not Irish.  Yeah... everyone is Irish on St. Patty's day... blah blah blah.

Some of my friends posted pictures on Instagram of green streamers all over their kitchen and tables covered in shamrocks. Yeah… That's downright adorable.

I saw a picture on Facebook of a friend who dyed her white dog green. Yep… It's gonna take forever for that to grow out.

You guys, I've totally gotten lame. But.. It happens to the best of us.

From the time my kids were toddlers, I've turned every freakin' holiday into Christmas morning. I hang hearts from the ceiling and scatter glittery heart confetti on the tables in February, dye more eggs than we'll ever use (even the raw ones) in April, paint American flags on cheeks and tie red, white & blue ribbons in ponytails in July, cut out construction paper pumpkins and witches and cover everything I can with cottony spider webbing in October and make "Thankful Trees" &/or color "Thankful Turkeys" in November.

But I'm gonna be honest.

I've gotten kind of sick of it, and as the years go on I find that I do less and less. But, my daughter’s somewhat dejected comment left me thinking. I'm kind of exhausted of holidays. Doesn't it seem like they're getting closer together?

Maybe it's because my kids are a little older and I've got so many under my belt by now, but I'm kind of craving a holiday where I don't have to decorate and buy candy and make a giant freakin' deal out of it. As I'm sure you know (and if you are a man will admit), the pressure to make every little holiday magical and memorable lies squarely on the mama's shoulders, and this mama is getting a little burned out. Social media only fuels it. I blame Pinterest.

And Easter is next weekend, you say?

Crap. Better go dig out the tubs and set out the bunnies and plastic eggs and baskets with pink cellophane grass. I'm just glad I don't have green chalk footprints all over my wood floors to clean up before then.

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