Wednesday, March 13, 2013

some reasons why my sister is awesome..

I'm writing this today with my sister, Jennifer in mind. I was going make this a numbered post, but I really don't feel like leaving it so close ended... so... here we go!

She talks more than anyone I know, expect maybe myself.

She keeps me grounded, and is quick to point out when I'm being completely stupid and ridiculous.

Sometimes she's wont answer my questions so I can answer them myself.

She's pretty much the smartest person I know.

She gets all my really bad jokes, and the good ones... and always understands my ridiculous sense of humor.

She likes the same stuff that I do, same movies, same TV, same music... yep.. imagine that!

She likes cupcakes. Enough said.

As well as being super smart, she also has a really good sense of style.

She's one of a few people I trust to give me the most honest advice and to critique stuff for me, because of said honesty.

She's taught me how to be patient.

She consistently calls me.

She stands for righteousness and truth.

She is not afraid to correct me.  Even if it means I get mad.

Basically... she's my best friend.

<3 you Jennifer. :)

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