Wednesday, March 6, 2013

crazy mom...

Sooooo... as I sit here and feel my blood pressure rising... I'm going to write.  Takes my mind off stuff and will hopefully allow me to cool down.

Sometimes, no matter what you do for your child with life threatening food allergies, there will be mistakes at school. To me it seems simple: If X can kill a kid then do not have that around said kid! I don’t care what that thing is… DEAD KID = VERY BAD!
I totally get that unless you live the life of a person with severe food allergies... you don’t get how dangerous it can be physically or emotionally.  I don't want sympathy... I've always said that if this is the worst I have to deal with when it comes to my kids.. I'm grateful.  I do get that a lot of people can’t wrap their head around the fact that a small protein of food can kill someone. They probably don’t have anyone in their family that has allergies. They may associate indigestion with spicy foods to allergies. Or they may just simply love their food more than my kid’s safety. Either way I try really hard to be patient, provide alternatives and educate them… but sometimes people just don’t get it.
Anaphylactic shock is something you have to fight to prevent... and takes modification to your lifestyle to stay safe. There is only so much in your control. Food is everywhere and the slightest mix-up can make someone stop breathing and lose their life in minutes. To say that it is scary is an understatement. It scares the shit out of me in ways I cannot accurately convey... but I try so that others may get it. 
I try to advocate, educate, tell funny stories and make it all as positive as possible. Everything is in place at school with her 504 Plan that gives her legal protection.  Although sometimes... like today..they tend to forget about it. I try to keep open communication with the faculty and teachers.  For the most part I am really friendly, laid back and positive about everything. Follow the guidelines and nothing goes wrong and I don’t have to get all crazy.
Though, sometimes things slip through the cracks. Sometimes we have to deal with people who push their own agendas or don't read the freaking manual.
Today... I reached my boiling point.  Takes a lot to get me there... but it happened.  I always think I'll feel badly about being such a crazy mom after a few days of cooling off but you know what?  I don't.  You know why?  When my daughter hugged me goodbye the morning as I reminded her to be careful... she knew I was stressed.  She told me thank you for always helping her find a way. That moments like those make her feel like the luckiest girl to have a Mommy like me and to have days and events where she can feel special and forget about the things that make her different. We try to make the most of each day, no matter what.  
And that my friends... is what keeps me going. Like it or not... I'm going to be that crazy mom who flies off the handle when things aren't done properly.  I do it for no one else... but her.   :)

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