Tuesday, September 6, 2011

time keeps on ticking.....

The first day of school.... I remember it well.  We were all dressed in our little uniforms with blue knee socks and brand new shoes... ready to start the year.  I never understood why my mom was so happy for us to go back... until now.

Granted, I love my children more than life itself.  BUT... this summer, they were on my very last nerve.  Mehri is now sporting an attitude, and Darya... well... she's a little mini ME.  It's very scary... and I'm nervous about what she's going to be like when she's older.  I now apologize to my mom for everything I've ever done.  There... will that bring good Karma my way?? :)

Today... due to my smart thinking... I took the day off and had TIME.  Blocks of unfettered hours in which I could do, well, whatever I want.  I could spend some of it reading. Staring out a window. Exercising. Shopping. Eating. Mindlessly clicking. It’s my time. How do I want to use it?

Since so many of us have kids entering school–maybe for the first time–right now, I figured this would be a great opportunity to talk about TIME. How do you manage it so that it doesn’t slip away? How do you keep social media from overtaking your life? How do you fit in the things you want to do amid the things you need to do? How do you figure out the difference?
It’s so easy to sit down at your computer at 9 AM with big plans for what you want to accomplish, then stand back up at noon with nothing but a stiff butt and vague memories of Facebook conversations. In our day to day lives, it’s easy for your average Tuesday to just seem so ordinary. It’s hard to believe that anything special could happen today, or that it will matter much if you fritter it away. And yet, when you stop to think about it, our entire lives are made up of ordinary days just like this one.
Do you feel like you have “enough” time? What would it mean, to you, to have enough?  or.... Is there ever enough? :)

Whatever you did with your time today... I hope it made you happy.  Because as I look at the clock.. I see I only have a little bit of it left - so I'm off to enjoy every last second before the bus returns!  Enjoy! 

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