Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I simply remember my favorite things.....

“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens / Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens / Brown paper packages tied up with strings / These are a few of my favorite things” – Oscar Hammerstein II, ‘The Sound of Music’
I seek out happy things. I make a point everyday to do or simply be near something that makes me happy. So, what makes me happy? Like the song goes, I just think of my favorite things…
  • Making my kids (or husband) laugh
  • A long walk on a sunny day
  • Vacation! :)
  • Music I can sing or dance along with
  • The smell of clean laundry right out of the dryer
  • a long kiss
It’s important to know what makes you happy, and I wonder how many people really stop to contemplate the simple things that can be a part of their everyday lives.

Now, I should add that happiness is the outward manifestation of inner joy. You can fill up your life with lots of stuff, but if you’re not internally okay with yourself, then there’s only so much materialistic things can ever do for you.  Life isn't about things.  It's about that feeling you get when you drop for the 4th time on the Tower of Terror.... or licking the sides of a melted ice cream cone.... or kissing your husband goodnight after a long day.  Little things.... inexpensive things... things we may do every day that seem like nothing, but ALWAYS make us smile.

So I ask you, what makes you happy? I’m not talking deliriously happy, like skipping down the street like a little girl, but just a general feeling of contentment with the world around you. Think about it.  Then, do them more often.


1 comment:

  1. Just posted my list of favorite things; thanks for the inspiration! http://www.lifeonpleasanthill.com/2011/08/these-are-few-of-my-favorite-things.html
