Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I simply remember my favorite things.....

“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens / Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens / Brown paper packages tied up with strings / These are a few of my favorite things” – Oscar Hammerstein II, ‘The Sound of Music’
I seek out happy things. I make a point everyday to do or simply be near something that makes me happy. So, what makes me happy? Like the song goes, I just think of my favorite things…
  • Making my kids (or husband) laugh
  • A long walk on a sunny day
  • Vacation! :)
  • Music I can sing or dance along with
  • The smell of clean laundry right out of the dryer
  • a long kiss
It’s important to know what makes you happy, and I wonder how many people really stop to contemplate the simple things that can be a part of their everyday lives.

Now, I should add that happiness is the outward manifestation of inner joy. You can fill up your life with lots of stuff, but if you’re not internally okay with yourself, then there’s only so much materialistic things can ever do for you.  Life isn't about things.  It's about that feeling you get when you drop for the 4th time on the Tower of Terror.... or licking the sides of a melted ice cream cone.... or kissing your husband goodnight after a long day.  Little things.... inexpensive things... things we may do every day that seem like nothing, but ALWAYS make us smile.

So I ask you, what makes you happy? I’m not talking deliriously happy, like skipping down the street like a little girl, but just a general feeling of contentment with the world around you. Think about it.  Then, do them more often.


Friday, August 26, 2011

"a quiet mind cureth all.”

There's something about peace and quiet that soothes the soul.

Think about it. How many people can just sit comfortably in the quiet of their mind? Most of the world says, turn on the TV. Turn it up loud, so I can hear it. Turn up that car radio. I want to memorize those lyrics to that new song. Let’s go to the movies and watch the latest blow ‘em up, shoot ‘em up. Let’s get a new sound system so we can have a speaker in every room. Surround sound. Yes, surround your self with sound, with noise, with chatter and clatter.

Could it be, the very thing you cherish is the cause of your demise?

What if there were all this noise and no one participated anymore? Would the war you have going on inside of you cease to be? Would your stress cease to be? Would your anxiety finally come to an end? Would your fear disappear?

But, you’ll be bored. You won’t have anything to do. What would you talk about?   The more noise the better. More concerts, more loud music, more movies, more sporting events, more conversations, more television. More things to “look forward to.” More excitement.

Quieting the mind to focus on the important can be difficult. It’s so easy to get caught up in what we “should be” doing, rather than focusing on what brings us joy and happiness. For example, some of the “should statements” that have popped into my mind lately include:
  • I should get a second job.
  • I should do the laundry.
  • I should be writing.
And the list goes on and on.

The “should” statements are noisy and annoying. So I’ve incorporated the following tips into my life. The actions have helped me quiet my noisy mind. I hope you find them useful.

1. Be present and enjoy the moment.

Enjoy the little things and don’t worry about “I should” statements.
Instead of trying to predict the future, be a rock star for at least 5 minutes a day and focus on the moment. Rather than trying to create the perfect future, you can create art that matters. A piece of art that can change a person’s life for the better.

2. Practice walking meditation.

Walking is a form of active meditation. It’s a beautiful way to calm the mind, be present and mindful of your experiences while you walk. Look at the trees, flowers, and people you pass. More importantly, don’t forget to breathe.

3. Unplug from the internet.

You know what to do. Turn the internet off and focus on your thoughts. When the “should” statements get too overwhelming, write down all of the thoughts that pop into your mind. Getting the “should” statements onto paper will help clear your mind and move forward.
Happiness is the harvest of a quiet mind. Anchor your thoughts on peace, poise, security, and divine guidance, and your mind will be productive of happiness.

Now shhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

chief happiness officer......

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.  From the moment Alexander wakes up with gum in his hair, things just don't go Alexander's way. When Alexander gets out of bed, he trips on the skateboard and drops his sweater into the sink while the water was running. At breakfast, Alexander's brothers, Anthony and Nick reach into their cereal boxes and find amazing prizes while Alexander ends up with cereal.

At home, the family has lima beans for dinner (which he hates), there is kissing on TV (which he also hates), bath time becomes a nightmare (too hot water, soap in his eyes, and losing a marble down the drain) and he has to wear his railroad train pajamas (he hates his railroad train pajamas).

At bedtime, his nightlight burns out, he bites his tongue, Nick takes back a pillow, and the family cat chooses to sleep with Anthony. No wonder Alexander wants to move to Australia.

Sound like your day?  (or have you just read this book?)

Ok... let's fix it.

Try this first: Talk To A Good Friend
Here, the emphasis is on good. Trying to find support from someone with poor listening skills or who really doesn't want to support you can make you feel worse, as can someone who will engage in co-rumination instead of trying to help you pull out of things. (The best balance is someone who will listen to your feelings, empathize, and then help you look at things you may be missing or help you get into a new frame of mind in another way. Sometimes even the listening and empathizing can help you pull out of things on your own.)

Ok... that didn't work??  Take a Mini-Meditation Break
Meditation can be a great tool for helping people get into a different frame of mind. Even a 5- or 10-minute meditation can give you a needed break from what's stressing you and help you come back with a new perspective and a fresh start. It can also turn off your stress response you you're physiologically back to normal.

Still miserable?  Well then.... Count Your Blessings
Gratitude has some wonderful benefits for stress management and well-being. It's also hard to focus on how bad things are when you're focusing on how good things are! Counting off 10 or more things you're grateful for, or really dwelling on 2 or 3, can get you into a whole different place, and turn a bad day around!

alright.... if all else fails..... CHOCOLATE!
One small piece of very good chocolate, savored with a cup of green tea and a quiet break from stress, can help me feel a little pampered and do wonders for my mood if all else fails.

Today, it was the talk with the good friend that helped me pull out if it. (That and just focusing on getting work done.) Other days, other things work well. What helps you shake the negative energy of an 'until-now bad day'?

Choose to be happy. Choose to be carefree and enjoy life. Choose to laugh even more than you do. Replace any worries with happy thoughts.  My guess is that you’ll be very glad you did. And, you’ll live not only a longer..... but also a much happier, rewarding life.

Now.... who took my chocolate??

Friday, August 19, 2011

forgive and forget......

Forgiveness is a difficult topic. On one hand, we feel that we have learned to forgive. On the other hand, we find ourselves resisting when we actually try to forgive someone.  Implementing forgiveness into our lives is a process.

So here I am today... faced with having to let something go and forgive.  Know what?  I don’t know what the other person is going through and if I hold anger, it takes away from my own joy. It is not just for the other person that I should forgive, but for myself, so I don't waste my life angry with someone or continue to hold a grudge.

Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself.  It is a release from the burden of anger and pain.  When you choose to forgive, you choose to live in the present and the future instead of the past.  It does not mean to forget but it does mean to release and go on.  Forgiveness doesn't happen on it's own, you must choose to forgive.

So... Mr. or Mrs. Disney Wallet thief.... I forgive you.  Pass it on.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

a place for everything......

I've been executing a test at home this week.  It's an easy one... probably one that MOST of you would pass.  That is, of course if you are a woman.  The rest of you I am convinced would FAIL.

Here's the test I've been conducting over the past 4 days.  There's a pencil on my staircase going upstairs.  Obvioulsy a pencil doesn't belong on the stairs, right?  Do you pick it up?  Or do you walk over it 45 times a day.... for 4 days????

Guess how MY family has decided to answer?

Now I know I have an OCD issue.  Things need to be just so.  But.... really?  Please explain to me why it's so hard to pick to pick things up that don't belong somewhere.  Especially on the floor!?!?!

I've come to the conclusion that cleaning is low priority for some people.  Ok... low priority for MEN.  You know, because they don't even have time to complete their abundance of high-priority activities. Like napping, watching sports games on TV, drinking beer while discussing women's physical and sexual attributes, bowling, and flirting with their sister-in-law while their wife is doing the dishes......

Then there's the reason that men somehow believe that cleaning is women's work and so by doing it, they'll be perceived as less masculine. Unfortunately, this has historical precedent. At the high point of his career, Alexander the Great was spotted dusting his shield. For the remainder of his life, no matter how impressive his accomplishments, whenever he passed by, onlookers would snicker and refer to him as, first, Alexander the Duster; then, Dusty, Dustine, and finally, Dust. Eventually, this drove him insane. At his funeral, mourners could not help but scoff and toss feather dusters on top of his coffin.

Well.... we wouldn't want THAT to happen... would we??

My point of this??  Well... simple.  Clean home = happy home.  Finish what you start... and put things where they belong....  both are simple mood lifters that'll make you feel GREAT... and keep a smile on your spouses' face as well. 

Now someone... PLEASE... pick up that pencil!! :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

peanut lining..... :(

I'm a realist... kinda.  Can you be a realist and a dreamer at the same time?  Ok.. then maybe I'm not a realist.

I purposely didn't have Mehri's allergies tested for four years on purpose.  I thought that maybe if I gave it enough time.... and didn't inject her with any allergen.... she'd outgrow them.  So I waited.

Our insurance is changing on September 1st.. so now was the time.  So... we called Dr. Rockoff's office (ahhhhh.... Dr. Rockoff... HOTTIE!!!)  *ahem... sorry.  We called his office, made an appointment... and prayed.

Her peanut test blew up her back with hives in less than 30 seconds.  Same with Cashews.... and almonds.... and... and... and..... UGH.  Poor thing.  She said she felt her back get tight.... and made her cry.  I think she was hoping too.... :(

So stupid of me to think it would have changed.  He told me 8 years ago that it wouldn't.  What is it about me that always thinks things will ALWAYS work out??  That happiness will prevail???  That good wins over evil??

Disney?  My catholic upbringing?  Who knows.  What I do know is that I'm sad.  I wanted her to be ok... to not have to worry about eating something on accident.  To not be that "girl" with the allergy.  She's getting older now... and girls are mean.  Enough said.

The silver lining - she's not allergic to shellfish.  I should be smiling.. I know.  But, I'm not.

Thanks to my family and friends for being so supportive.  You know I'll find the positive in this.... tomorrow.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

the old man is snoring....

Have you ever had a day where you've done nothing.  Like seriously NOTHING.  Today - for me - was one of those days.  I think God made it rain on purpose.  It was like he was saying "stay in your PJ's all day, Laura."  He has probably noticed how stressed I've been lately.  Either that, or her REALLY wants me to clean out my kids' closets.

However, I fought the urge to clean and have done nothing today.  Not one thing.  And you know what?  I really don't care.  This weather has a tinge of fall in it.... which means winter is right around the corner.  And then comes Christmas.... and family gatherings... and.... um........... oh let's not go there.

So I begin to think.....Rainy days in the spring help melt the snow away, and give rise to the first plants of spring poking up out of the ground in search of the sun. The rain releases the scent of spring that has been buried under the snow for months, you can smell new life beginning as well as see it.

Rainy days in summer bring relief from the heat and humidity most of the time, it’s as if the rain refreshes the world. During an extended heat wave such as the one we’ve been having here, it feels like the entire world is being beaten down, everything moves at a slower pace, dragging along just hoping for the end of the misery. The rain washes away the dust that has collected on everything stationary, and cleans the summer air, making everything fresh and new.  There is nothing so refreshing as a long summer shower.

So... as we sit under these dark rainy clouds today.... take the day to relax from the summer craziness, take a deep breath before the school craziness begins,  look out your window..... and watch nature spring to life.

Or... do what I'm going to do.... pop in Season 2 of the Love Boat and enjoy hours of "new romance!"  Happy Sunday everyone!

Friday, August 12, 2011

what is beautiful?

There was a time -- it seems like ancient history now -- when I wore size 8 clothes and weighed 120 pounds.

Needless to say, my clothes are a few sizes bigger and I hate to step on the scales and be confronted with much larger numbers.
"I love you just as you are," my loving husband tells me all the time about the ravages of time and birthing two children.   "You're beautiful to me."   Blah blah blah.
Although that is all that truly matters -- being appreciated and loved for whom you really are, (physical and emotional) scars and all -- it's hard to look at yourself in the mirror in comparison to the standard of beauty today. Tall, thin female "waifs" with disproportionate "Barbie-like" features walk the fashion catwalk to showcase size 0 clothing.
That doesn't describe hundreds of millions of women, nor me. When did the debate start about what defines plus size clothing, size 12 or 14?
For centuries, beautiful women were shapely, soft and rounded, maybe even plump. Anyone remember the vivacious and curvy size 10 or 12 sexpot Marilyn Monroe? Would she be considered a sexpot now?
There are some beautiful "plus-size" women in Hollywood, but let us all admit it's only a handful, and that is not enough. The standards of outward beauty are constantly evolving, while consideration for inner beauty appears to be drifting further and further away from social consciousness.
Enjoying the company of my fellow humans, I feel blessed to know and work with so many beautiful people, inside and out. They inspire me to be better, which is why I don't plan on dieting. I just want to be healthier.

When I first thought of beauty I usually think of outward appearances. Maybe it’s because I’m struggling right now with being satisfied with my own looks or maybe I’m just vain. Who knows.  Regardless, I started thinking “For me to be beautiful I need to be skinny again (as in pre-pregnancy weight) and toned. I need to have my circles gone or at the very least well hidden. I need to have a cute hair cut. I need cute clothes.”

Then…my kids woke up. I walked in their rooms to say good morning and they smiled.  At that moment I realized that what I was defining as beautiful really wasn’t beautiful….this was.

Nothing is more beautiful to me than my kids smiling at me when they wake up.
Nothing is more beautiful than looking in the mirror and being able to say “I love you for who you are and will always be.”

Beautiful is the first warm day after an excruciating winter.
Beautiful is being happy with who you are and being proud of where you are in your life.
Beautiful is getting a hug that lasts that extra moment because your friend/loved one knows you need it.
Beautiful is a friendship that comes to save you when you’re at your lowest.
Beautiful is living a life you’re proud of and one that you can tell your children about without feeling guilty.
Beautiful is sunny days.
Beautiful is faith in a God bigger than my problems.
Beautiful is friends to encourage me.
Beautiful is friends I can encourage.
Beautiful is family I can adore.
Beautiful is a cozy bed at night to curl up with my hubby.
Beautiful is a roof over my head.
Beautiful is Happy memories.
We are beautiful!

Here’s to enjoying the beautiful moments in life…big or small.  What IS beautiful to you?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

send in the clowns.....

Sometimes.... you just have to laugh.  Hard.  Really really hard.

We laugh for different reasons, what I find humorous may not necessarily make you laugh. But whatever makes us laugh makes us feel good. And for a detectable health reason…
•Laughter has been shown to reduce certain stress hormones, changes the flight-fright responses that occur in times of stress.
•Laughter boosts our immune system, lowers our blood pressure, and increases our oxygen levels.
•Laughter due to its’ physical nature gives us an overall body workout. So you can have fun, keep fit and stay healthy all in one easy step.

Sometimes we take life way too seriously. We have been taught to run through our lives with such a speed we have no time to laugh. I remember reading that children laugh over 300 times in a day when adults laugh less than 15 times. 15! What happens to us when we grow up?

When we are able to laugh, we are in touch with life´s goodness. We feel life has a purpose.
Laughter unites people - very different kinds of people can be together if they share the same sense of humor. Laughter is the best medicine in uniting people with differing views of life.
I have seen the most unlikely couples stay together year after year - and I have noticed that they laugh together a lot. The ones who don´t share laughter, usually don´t stay together - and if they do, they don´t seem to be very happy in their relationship.  I make Reza laugh all the time.... :)

You know what else makes me always laugh? Child laughter.
It's one of world´s greatest joys. Little children have all the fun - but they sure are willing to share if we just take the time to enjoy their company.

Child laughter comes straight from the heart. They have the best giggles. Do you still remember those wonderful days with your best friend when you could start laughing with no reason and laugh so long you could barely breathe?  My sister and I used to do it in church all the time.... which usually ended up with us being separated.  We STILL laugh at the mention of cherry cheesecake.... long story.

How will you find time for laughter today?  

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

the green eyed monster...

I'm on the mailing list.  You know... the one that sends all those special offers for 35% off, free this... free that... at the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH.  Got one yesterday... and I've been crabby ever since.

My Vacation Club-holding brother is going in October.  My sister leaves in 2 weeks.  Me?  Well....not happening.  Don't get me wrong... I am so very happy for everyone that gets to go spend quality family time together in a tropical-like climate with a large mouse and all his friends.  I'm just jealous.... which bothers me in two ways.  First, I'm bothered that it's not me who's going.  Second, I'm bothered that I'm jealous.  I don't like to be jealous.  It's against every moral fiber of my being.  And REALLY makes me cranky.  And ask anyone... I am NOT fun when I'm cranky.  Ok... so that's three ways.  I like to be fun too.  Ugh.

I know, you're all shaking your heads at me saying "LOSER."  What's the big deal?  You were just there in April.  Your kids have been there so many times, it's sick.  Think of all the people that have never gone.  Haven't you been there enough?  There are so many other places in the world... why do you always go there?  It's so hot there right now.  You want to stand in huge lines in the sweltering heat with 50,000 kids?


Jealousy.  I looked it up.  I won't write down the definition because it annoys me.   Instead, let's look deeper.  I know each and every one of us is jealous of SOMETHING.  You know what?  I think that jealousy can alert you to what you want and what is important to you. Like if you’re jealous of someone talking to a friend of yours, personal relationships may be important to you. If you’re jealous about money, you may have an underlying need for security or freedom.

When it happens....ask yourself, "Why am I jealous over this? What is making me jealous? What am I trying to keep? Why do I feel threatened?" When you begin to understand what makes you jealous, you can begin to take positive steps to maintain those things, without the cloud of negative emotion that accompanies jealousy.

All of us also need to change any false beliefs that might cause jealousy. If you examine the belief, you can often eliminate the jealousy. Some common underlying beliefs are “Everyone is out to get my money” or “If this person leaves me, I won't have any friends.” Beliefs are changeable. If you change your belief, you change the way you feel. Choose to tell yourself a belief that is nurturing and supportive, and you’ll feel better. When you begin taking steps to creating a happy and fulfilling life for yourself, you will find the anger, the jealousy, and the fear will disappear.to creating a happy and fulfilling life for yourself, you will find the anger, the jealousy, and the fear will disappear.

If all else fails, fake it. Portray a non-jealous facade while you work on overcoming jealousy. Eventually, working your way through your feelings, the facade will become real, but in the meantime you will protect yourself from appearing jealous to others.

So, I have issues.  I admit it.  I'm going to work through them BUT ..... In the meantime... maybe I'll drive Reza crazy enough that he'll give in and take us..... :)  Right.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

be good for something....

I was thinking this morning about all the jobs I've had over the years and how they've formed me into who I am today.  I worked the drive-thru at McDonalds, sales at Kinney Shoes (Gregg!!), Victoria's Secret, and The Gap.  I met my husband while working at Vix. (best store EVER!)  I was the office manager, and he was Loss Prevention.  I then moved to Tops Corporate in the demo department... such a fun job organizing all those little old women and men giving out free samples in the stores.

I then got serious.  Graduated from college and immediately started working as a newspaper reporter.  Very interesting.  I then moved on to the big time... the Girl Scouts.

Funny how all these little jobs have been such a big part of my life in some way.  If it wasn't for McDonalds, I wouldn't know that those yummy pickles came in a big huge green bucket.  And..... ummmmm.... Ok... that's about all I learned there.....

If it wasn't for Kinney Shoes... I wouldn't have met my friend Gregg.  (And ultimately all my FB peeps... who have turned into really good friends.....)  It was there that I learned how to dye shoes and measure feet!  Gregg and I lost touch for about 20 years.... (not sure how....) however, we reconnected through FB.   (So cool.) So now I really do believe that old quote... "You and I will meet again, When we're least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet again."  Amazing, huh? 

Victoria's Secret... well... that speaks for itself.  It's also where I became a body spray fanatic. :)   Enough said.

I loved working at Vix.  I made so many friends and had so many fun experiences while I was there.  Best part... I met Reza.  He always tells me that he never liked that store..... so I point to our two beautiful kids and say... "oh yeah?  If it wasn't for Vix......."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah....." he says.

From Vix, got promoted to Tops Corporate.  After many years there, I decided I wasn't where I wanted to be in life.  I have a HUGE heart and really love to make a difference.  I like to advocate.  I like to be part of something I KNOW is important.  Enter in.... the Girl Scouts.  I got a job where I'm helping build girls of Courage,  Confidence, and Character who make the world a better place.  I love going to work every day knowing that whatever I do directly impacts the lives of girls and women.  It's not just selling cookies... it's knowing that I help to give girls the opportunity to set goals, learn customer service, be a helpful part of their community and open their eyes to the needs of others.

It's truly amazing.  I've worked for the Girl Scouts for 13 years.  I've watched girls who were 6 grow up to be strong women.... go to college.... and give back to the world.  It's a very powerful organization, and one that I am so proud to be a part.  I could never, ever go back to working retail or for a "for-profit" company.  I love the idea that I am making a difference... I work very hard, but I know that in the end, that little 5-year-old girl somewhere has a huge smile on her face because she just sold her first box of cookies... all by herself.

Do what you LOVE, and you'll LOVE what you do.  It's as simple as that.

Monday, August 8, 2011

what's another word for thesaurus?

ok... ok... I'll write something positive today.  Now that I got the driving thing off my chest... I feel a lot better.

Here are some things to ponder today..... 

Why doesn't McDonalds sell hot dogs?
In a movie theatre... which armrest is yours?
How far east can you go before you're heading west?
Why does grape flavor smell the way it is when actual grapes don't taste or smell anything like it?
Are eyebrows considered facial hair?
Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

Yes... I know... you've heard all these before.  Little thoughts that make you go hummmmmm......  they're cute... and funny... and usually bring a smile to one's face.  Come on.... admit it.

It's all part of positive thinking.  A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.

Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it.  I know... can you believe it?

It is quite common to hear people (especially me!) say: "Think positive!".  It's usually to someone who feels down and worried. However, I know most people do not take these words seriously, as they don't know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means?

All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference, and through body language. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts, and vice versa. Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive people and avoid negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.

Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.  Yep. It's true.

So... if you're struggling with positivity today.... try this:

Smile a little more.  And smile like you mean it.  (Even if you don't!)  Human beings are naturally social creatures, and even if we are in the foulest of moods, by interacting with other people in a positive manner, we start the slow or even sudden climb to feeling more positive.

EVERY day... plan to do something selfless.  No, it can’t be something that looks selfless, but is actually all about you. It has to be something that you do for someone else, and you expect absolutely nothing in return.   Do something like that every day. In fact, plan it out in advance, so that you are sure to get it done. Can’t see what helping other people has to do with becoming a positive person?  Try it every day for a week and then come back and post a comment on this blog about how great you feel!

Look around – Everyone has things in their immediate surroundings at any given time that they can be grateful for. However, if you don’t take the time to consciously appreciate those things, you will get into the habit of just taking them for granted. Every few hours just stop what you are doing, and for 5 minutes just look around wherever you are and appreciate things that you normally just take for granted.

Remember why you Care  - Last, but hardly least, remind yourself several times per day (or several dozen!) that you want to have a positive outlook on life, and remind yourself about why you even care. If you don’t have a true desire to actually have a positive attitude, then these types of activities won’t do you much good. If you choose to live your life as a positive person, then you must have some reason for choosing that path.

Each time a potentially negative influence crosses your path, remind yourself of your reason for wanting to be a positive person. Your desire to be positive will outweigh your desire to have a negative reaction to the outside stimulus, and after awhile this entire process will become second nature.

And yes... I'll even try these things when I'm driving.
Happy Monday! :)

green.... means GO!

I have road rage.  I admit it.  After spending a lot of quality time in the car this past week.... I can honestly say.... there are IDIOT drivers on the roads.  All roads.  Especially the roads I'm on.

I've complained about this before... WHY must people stop in the EZ-Pass lane?  Really. 

Is it necessary for you to drive the exact speed limit in the left lane?  MOVE OVER.

When you see a State Trooper on the road... you don't need to slow down to 50 miles per hour.  It makes you look like an idiot.  Going 5mph over the speed limit on the THRUWAY will not get you a ticket.  If you think it will... MOVE over or drive the side roads.

Tailgating me will NOT make me go faster.

Try using a turn signal.  They're there for a reason.

I don't like rap music.  So keep the sub woofers at a minimum.  They're cheesy... and give me a headache.

If you're over 90 years old.... please take a cab.  And for the love of all that is holy.... stay off the roads after 4:30 pm.

If you make a turn, must you turn in the opposite direction first?  The occurrence of this seems to be declining, but why do people have to swing out to the left before they make a right hand turn?

When you approach a stop sign or a stop light, do you see that wide, white line painted on the pavement? That's called a Stop Line. That means you should be CLOSE to it when you stop your car.

Headlights. God knows, having headlights that work are a good thing, but also make sure they're focused correctly! There is nothing worse at night than to have someone driving in oncoming traffic with one of their headlights pointing up in the air, usually right into your eyes, or have somebody tailgating behind you, at night, where the unfocused headlight feels like it's burning your skin off your face as it's reflected in your rear view mirror, causing you to squint (at night, which is such a safe thing to do) just to be able to see the lines on the pavement.

Don't ever, ever, EVER try to out-run or pass an emergency vehicle. If ever there was anybody on the road more important than you, it's them. Pay attention - yield - pull over - just get out of their way. Let them do what they need to do. You know, it's not hard to see those lights and hear those sirens - unless you're on a cell phone.  Texting.  :(

People who buy 4 wheel drive vehicles and drive them in snow as though they were on dry roads.... I always hope I see you stuck in a ditch facing the opposite direction when I catch up to you.  I'll be sure to wave. 

If you need directions.... buy a map... or a GPS.  Don't ask the toll booth collector during rush hour.  (This, of course... if there is no EZ-Pass lane...)

I could go on forever.

My point today is this.... drive safely and be courteous to your fellow roadsters.  I drive fast.... usually because I'm on Laura time.  Yes... it's one of my faults in life... but after spending so many hours behind every annoying driver in the universe lately... I needed to state my peace.

Besides, it's Monday.  And no... it's not my usual happy message... HOWEVER... I know this made you smile.  :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

red and yellow and pink and green......

My favorite color is purple.  It's the color of purpose, and suits the principle I live by each and every day.   “Have a purpose in life; love what you do and do what you love.”  It's also the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. 

I also like the color yellow. It's the color of optimism.  There are times when I become overly positive, but as I tell friends, I am a realistic optimist - I make sure I remain grounded in the realities of life.  I've read that you should put some yellow in your life when you want clarity for decision-making, relief from 'burnout', panic, nervousness, exhaustion, sharper memory and concentration skills and protection from lethargy and depression during dull weather.

Hummmm....... perfect color for where I live.

So, take a look around and inside your heart.  What color do you represent?  What colors are you in NEED of?

Did you know about the Law of Attraction?  It states that we attract everything we think about. If we think that we are happy, then we are going to be happy; we attract ourselves to whatever we think, whatever we believe in, and to whatever we concentrate our energies on. If we think negatively, we attract negative vibrations too.  

The gift of colors has imbued the world with such great beauty. Colors give meaning to the things we do, the objects we surround ourselves with, to the personality and all it’s shifting moods and to all the events that make our lives.

Let's all try today to attract positive colors... and positive thoughts.  Think of how beautiful the world will be if we do......

Friday, August 5, 2011

one potato... two potato...

Inka-dink a bottle of ink, the cork fell off and you STINK.

Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish... how many pieces do you wish?

NOT IT!!! :)

I can remember standing under the streetlight on Brookside Terrace West singing these songs (among others!) to see who would be "it" for hide-and-go-seek.  A kid named Billy was always the all-time counter.  Then there was the infamous "kickball" games (all-time pitcher!) or kick-the-can.  Our street had probably 40 kids living on it - and we were outside ALL day.  Hounds and Deers..... roller skating.... playing Barbies.... drinking from the hose.  Wow... have things changed.

First of all, we lived on a dead-end street.  I must say, if that was the case for me today, I probably would let my kids play outside.  We were lucky if three cars drove down the street all day... and when they did, it was usually it was a parent of one of the kids playing outside.  Never a worry in the world when we were younger.

We used to play in the "fields" and Two Mile Creek right behind our house.  It's what's a now-known dumping ground for toxic waste.  It was where the Linde Air Products plant resided.... the spot where radioactive materials were used in the 1940s and helped produce the first atomic bomb. I remember kids fishing for golf balls and wading in the "colors" of the murky, foamy, stinky creek water that often had large areas of slimy green and brown patches.  I blame this for a pre-cancerous colon diagnosis when I was a mere 30 years old.  If we only knew.....

But.... not to digress... back to the point.  As much as a non-camper I am... and really do NOT enjoy the outdoors... I am glad I had the childhood that I did.  I still keep in touch with many of the people I grew up with on Brookside.  In fact, we have our own FB page!  So many fun memories that will live in my heart forever.

I don't really know where I'm going with this today..... not enough sleep has me rambling.  In retrospect, I guess I would just like to encourage you to enjoy the moment.  I don't think we do that enough.  We need to capture pictures in our memories that we can recall when we're 80 and senile.  Life goes by waaaaay too fast.  Let's all slow down and enjoy all that it has to offer.

So as you go through your day today.... STOP.  Look around.  Take it all in.  Smell the scents.  See the beauty.  And smile.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

vacation's all I ever wanted.....

If you haven't guessed it by now... I was on vacation.  Not just off from work..... but away.  And not just away.... away without my laptop.  Yep.  I left it home.  Not by choice, mind you... but with encouragement from my husband.  So, if you've missed my blog.... blame him. :)

So... off we went.  I felt naked.... although I have a smart phone, it's not the same thing.  I like the sound of a clicking keyboard.  I like my 17" screen blaring me in the face like a lamp.  But, I gave in and left it behind.  *sob!*

Now this wasn't a "vacation" per say.  I wasn't on a beach... or at the happiest place on earth.  However, I was off from work.... and with my family.

I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday about vacation, and she brought up a really good point.  It's not a vacation with kids.  And you know what.... she's right.  A vacation to me would be getting up in the morning.... having some breakfast on a balcony overlooking the ocean.... MAYBE taking a shower..... hanging out on the beach all day.... swimming.... drinking margaritas.... eating lunch whenever.... napping... showering.... a nice quiet dinner..... yadda yadda yadda.

WAKE UP!  Reality = Up at 8 with a three-year-old jumping on your stomach.  Cook breakfast for kids who decide they "really didn't want eggs."  Chasing them around to take a shower and get dressed... then myself TRYING to take a shower only to be interrupted 2 times by a kid who has to go to the bathroom and then brush her teeth... and "oh look mommy..... your iPod is dead!" Then FINALLY getting out of the house only to hear arguments as to what to watch in the car while we drive around endlessly looking for kid-friendly activities.  NOW... they're hungry.  Let's find a place for lunch that EVERYONE can agree on.  Right.  Nap?  Are you kidding?  Finally... as the day ends.... I'm able to take a look in the mirror only to see how rattled I look.... Did I even put make-up on today?  And what the heck happened to my HAIR?  YEAH.... now THAT'S vacation.  Oh wait... did I mention the 12 hour car ride home?  We won't even go there......

The silver lining in all of this was that I got to see my brother, his wife and beautiful daughter.  Family is so very important to me.... so suffering through the drive there and back is well worth it.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat....

So as summer is ending quickly.... make sure you're enjoying all the little things this season has to offer.  Take a drive.... throw stones in a lake.... sit in the sunshine.  Even if it IS with kids pulling at your sleeve and complaining every step of the way.  I'll get my chance SOMEDAY to enjoy a relaxing vacation.  In the meantime.... it's all good.
