Friday, August 26, 2011

"a quiet mind cureth all.”

There's something about peace and quiet that soothes the soul.

Think about it. How many people can just sit comfortably in the quiet of their mind? Most of the world says, turn on the TV. Turn it up loud, so I can hear it. Turn up that car radio. I want to memorize those lyrics to that new song. Let’s go to the movies and watch the latest blow ‘em up, shoot ‘em up. Let’s get a new sound system so we can have a speaker in every room. Surround sound. Yes, surround your self with sound, with noise, with chatter and clatter.

Could it be, the very thing you cherish is the cause of your demise?

What if there were all this noise and no one participated anymore? Would the war you have going on inside of you cease to be? Would your stress cease to be? Would your anxiety finally come to an end? Would your fear disappear?

But, you’ll be bored. You won’t have anything to do. What would you talk about?   The more noise the better. More concerts, more loud music, more movies, more sporting events, more conversations, more television. More things to “look forward to.” More excitement.

Quieting the mind to focus on the important can be difficult. It’s so easy to get caught up in what we “should be” doing, rather than focusing on what brings us joy and happiness. For example, some of the “should statements” that have popped into my mind lately include:
  • I should get a second job.
  • I should do the laundry.
  • I should be writing.
And the list goes on and on.

The “should” statements are noisy and annoying. So I’ve incorporated the following tips into my life. The actions have helped me quiet my noisy mind. I hope you find them useful.

1. Be present and enjoy the moment.

Enjoy the little things and don’t worry about “I should” statements.
Instead of trying to predict the future, be a rock star for at least 5 minutes a day and focus on the moment. Rather than trying to create the perfect future, you can create art that matters. A piece of art that can change a person’s life for the better.

2. Practice walking meditation.

Walking is a form of active meditation. It’s a beautiful way to calm the mind, be present and mindful of your experiences while you walk. Look at the trees, flowers, and people you pass. More importantly, don’t forget to breathe.

3. Unplug from the internet.

You know what to do. Turn the internet off and focus on your thoughts. When the “should” statements get too overwhelming, write down all of the thoughts that pop into your mind. Getting the “should” statements onto paper will help clear your mind and move forward.
Happiness is the harvest of a quiet mind. Anchor your thoughts on peace, poise, security, and divine guidance, and your mind will be productive of happiness.

Now shhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ :)

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