Monday, August 8, 2011

green.... means GO!

I have road rage.  I admit it.  After spending a lot of quality time in the car this past week.... I can honestly say.... there are IDIOT drivers on the roads.  All roads.  Especially the roads I'm on.

I've complained about this before... WHY must people stop in the EZ-Pass lane?  Really. 

Is it necessary for you to drive the exact speed limit in the left lane?  MOVE OVER.

When you see a State Trooper on the road... you don't need to slow down to 50 miles per hour.  It makes you look like an idiot.  Going 5mph over the speed limit on the THRUWAY will not get you a ticket.  If you think it will... MOVE over or drive the side roads.

Tailgating me will NOT make me go faster.

Try using a turn signal.  They're there for a reason.

I don't like rap music.  So keep the sub woofers at a minimum.  They're cheesy... and give me a headache.

If you're over 90 years old.... please take a cab.  And for the love of all that is holy.... stay off the roads after 4:30 pm.

If you make a turn, must you turn in the opposite direction first?  The occurrence of this seems to be declining, but why do people have to swing out to the left before they make a right hand turn?

When you approach a stop sign or a stop light, do you see that wide, white line painted on the pavement? That's called a Stop Line. That means you should be CLOSE to it when you stop your car.

Headlights. God knows, having headlights that work are a good thing, but also make sure they're focused correctly! There is nothing worse at night than to have someone driving in oncoming traffic with one of their headlights pointing up in the air, usually right into your eyes, or have somebody tailgating behind you, at night, where the unfocused headlight feels like it's burning your skin off your face as it's reflected in your rear view mirror, causing you to squint (at night, which is such a safe thing to do) just to be able to see the lines on the pavement.

Don't ever, ever, EVER try to out-run or pass an emergency vehicle. If ever there was anybody on the road more important than you, it's them. Pay attention - yield - pull over - just get out of their way. Let them do what they need to do. You know, it's not hard to see those lights and hear those sirens - unless you're on a cell phone.  Texting.  :(

People who buy 4 wheel drive vehicles and drive them in snow as though they were on dry roads.... I always hope I see you stuck in a ditch facing the opposite direction when I catch up to you.  I'll be sure to wave. 

If you need directions.... buy a map... or a GPS.  Don't ask the toll booth collector during rush hour.  (This, of course... if there is no EZ-Pass lane...)

I could go on forever.

My point today is this.... drive safely and be courteous to your fellow roadsters.  I drive fast.... usually because I'm on Laura time.  Yes... it's one of my faults in life... but after spending so many hours behind every annoying driver in the universe lately... I needed to state my peace.

Besides, it's Monday.  And no... it's not my usual happy message... HOWEVER... I know this made you smile.  :)

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