Thursday, August 11, 2011

send in the clowns.....

Sometimes.... you just have to laugh.  Hard.  Really really hard.

We laugh for different reasons, what I find humorous may not necessarily make you laugh. But whatever makes us laugh makes us feel good. And for a detectable health reason…
•Laughter has been shown to reduce certain stress hormones, changes the flight-fright responses that occur in times of stress.
•Laughter boosts our immune system, lowers our blood pressure, and increases our oxygen levels.
•Laughter due to its’ physical nature gives us an overall body workout. So you can have fun, keep fit and stay healthy all in one easy step.

Sometimes we take life way too seriously. We have been taught to run through our lives with such a speed we have no time to laugh. I remember reading that children laugh over 300 times in a day when adults laugh less than 15 times. 15! What happens to us when we grow up?

When we are able to laugh, we are in touch with life´s goodness. We feel life has a purpose.
Laughter unites people - very different kinds of people can be together if they share the same sense of humor. Laughter is the best medicine in uniting people with differing views of life.
I have seen the most unlikely couples stay together year after year - and I have noticed that they laugh together a lot. The ones who don´t share laughter, usually don´t stay together - and if they do, they don´t seem to be very happy in their relationship.  I make Reza laugh all the time.... :)

You know what else makes me always laugh? Child laughter.
It's one of world´s greatest joys. Little children have all the fun - but they sure are willing to share if we just take the time to enjoy their company.

Child laughter comes straight from the heart. They have the best giggles. Do you still remember those wonderful days with your best friend when you could start laughing with no reason and laugh so long you could barely breathe?  My sister and I used to do it in church all the time.... which usually ended up with us being separated.  We STILL laugh at the mention of cherry cheesecake.... long story.

How will you find time for laughter today?  

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