Thursday, August 4, 2011

vacation's all I ever wanted.....

If you haven't guessed it by now... I was on vacation.  Not just off from work..... but away.  And not just away.... away without my laptop.  Yep.  I left it home.  Not by choice, mind you... but with encouragement from my husband.  So, if you've missed my blog.... blame him. :)

So... off we went.  I felt naked.... although I have a smart phone, it's not the same thing.  I like the sound of a clicking keyboard.  I like my 17" screen blaring me in the face like a lamp.  But, I gave in and left it behind.  *sob!*

Now this wasn't a "vacation" per say.  I wasn't on a beach... or at the happiest place on earth.  However, I was off from work.... and with my family.

I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday about vacation, and she brought up a really good point.  It's not a vacation with kids.  And you know what.... she's right.  A vacation to me would be getting up in the morning.... having some breakfast on a balcony overlooking the ocean.... MAYBE taking a shower..... hanging out on the beach all day.... swimming.... drinking margaritas.... eating lunch whenever.... napping... showering.... a nice quiet dinner..... yadda yadda yadda.

WAKE UP!  Reality = Up at 8 with a three-year-old jumping on your stomach.  Cook breakfast for kids who decide they "really didn't want eggs."  Chasing them around to take a shower and get dressed... then myself TRYING to take a shower only to be interrupted 2 times by a kid who has to go to the bathroom and then brush her teeth... and "oh look mommy..... your iPod is dead!" Then FINALLY getting out of the house only to hear arguments as to what to watch in the car while we drive around endlessly looking for kid-friendly activities.  NOW... they're hungry.  Let's find a place for lunch that EVERYONE can agree on.  Right.  Nap?  Are you kidding?  Finally... as the day ends.... I'm able to take a look in the mirror only to see how rattled I look.... Did I even put make-up on today?  And what the heck happened to my HAIR?  YEAH.... now THAT'S vacation.  Oh wait... did I mention the 12 hour car ride home?  We won't even go there......

The silver lining in all of this was that I got to see my brother, his wife and beautiful daughter.  Family is so very important to me.... so suffering through the drive there and back is well worth it.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat....

So as summer is ending quickly.... make sure you're enjoying all the little things this season has to offer.  Take a drive.... throw stones in a lake.... sit in the sunshine.  Even if it IS with kids pulling at your sleeve and complaining every step of the way.  I'll get my chance SOMEDAY to enjoy a relaxing vacation.  In the meantime.... it's all good.


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