Sunday, August 14, 2011

the old man is snoring....

Have you ever had a day where you've done nothing.  Like seriously NOTHING.  Today - for me - was one of those days.  I think God made it rain on purpose.  It was like he was saying "stay in your PJ's all day, Laura."  He has probably noticed how stressed I've been lately.  Either that, or her REALLY wants me to clean out my kids' closets.

However, I fought the urge to clean and have done nothing today.  Not one thing.  And you know what?  I really don't care.  This weather has a tinge of fall in it.... which means winter is right around the corner.  And then comes Christmas.... and family gatherings... and.... um........... oh let's not go there.

So I begin to think.....Rainy days in the spring help melt the snow away, and give rise to the first plants of spring poking up out of the ground in search of the sun. The rain releases the scent of spring that has been buried under the snow for months, you can smell new life beginning as well as see it.

Rainy days in summer bring relief from the heat and humidity most of the time, it’s as if the rain refreshes the world. During an extended heat wave such as the one we’ve been having here, it feels like the entire world is being beaten down, everything moves at a slower pace, dragging along just hoping for the end of the misery. The rain washes away the dust that has collected on everything stationary, and cleans the summer air, making everything fresh and new.  There is nothing so refreshing as a long summer shower.

So... as we sit under these dark rainy clouds today.... take the day to relax from the summer craziness, take a deep breath before the school craziness begins,  look out your window..... and watch nature spring to life.

Or... do what I'm going to do.... pop in Season 2 of the Love Boat and enjoy hours of "new romance!"  Happy Sunday everyone!

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