Tuesday, August 9, 2011

be good for something....

I was thinking this morning about all the jobs I've had over the years and how they've formed me into who I am today.  I worked the drive-thru at McDonalds, sales at Kinney Shoes (Gregg!!), Victoria's Secret, and The Gap.  I met my husband while working at Vix. (best store EVER!)  I was the office manager, and he was Loss Prevention.  I then moved to Tops Corporate in the demo department... such a fun job organizing all those little old women and men giving out free samples in the stores.

I then got serious.  Graduated from college and immediately started working as a newspaper reporter.  Very interesting.  I then moved on to the big time... the Girl Scouts.

Funny how all these little jobs have been such a big part of my life in some way.  If it wasn't for McDonalds, I wouldn't know that those yummy pickles came in a big huge green bucket.  And..... ummmmm.... Ok... that's about all I learned there.....

If it wasn't for Kinney Shoes... I wouldn't have met my friend Gregg.  (And ultimately all my FB peeps... who have turned into really good friends.....)  It was there that I learned how to dye shoes and measure feet!  Gregg and I lost touch for about 20 years.... (not sure how....) however, we reconnected through FB.   (So cool.) So now I really do believe that old quote... "You and I will meet again, When we're least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet again."  Amazing, huh? 

Victoria's Secret... well... that speaks for itself.  It's also where I became a body spray fanatic. :)   Enough said.

I loved working at Vix.  I made so many friends and had so many fun experiences while I was there.  Best part... I met Reza.  He always tells me that he never liked that store..... so I point to our two beautiful kids and say... "oh yeah?  If it wasn't for Vix......."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah....." he says.

From Vix, got promoted to Tops Corporate.  After many years there, I decided I wasn't where I wanted to be in life.  I have a HUGE heart and really love to make a difference.  I like to advocate.  I like to be part of something I KNOW is important.  Enter in.... the Girl Scouts.  I got a job where I'm helping build girls of Courage,  Confidence, and Character who make the world a better place.  I love going to work every day knowing that whatever I do directly impacts the lives of girls and women.  It's not just selling cookies... it's knowing that I help to give girls the opportunity to set goals, learn customer service, be a helpful part of their community and open their eyes to the needs of others.

It's truly amazing.  I've worked for the Girl Scouts for 13 years.  I've watched girls who were 6 grow up to be strong women.... go to college.... and give back to the world.  It's a very powerful organization, and one that I am so proud to be a part.  I could never, ever go back to working retail or for a "for-profit" company.  I love the idea that I am making a difference... I work very hard, but I know that in the end, that little 5-year-old girl somewhere has a huge smile on her face because she just sold her first box of cookies... all by herself.

Do what you LOVE, and you'll LOVE what you do.  It's as simple as that.

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