Friday, August 12, 2011

what is beautiful?

There was a time -- it seems like ancient history now -- when I wore size 8 clothes and weighed 120 pounds.

Needless to say, my clothes are a few sizes bigger and I hate to step on the scales and be confronted with much larger numbers.
"I love you just as you are," my loving husband tells me all the time about the ravages of time and birthing two children.   "You're beautiful to me."   Blah blah blah.
Although that is all that truly matters -- being appreciated and loved for whom you really are, (physical and emotional) scars and all -- it's hard to look at yourself in the mirror in comparison to the standard of beauty today. Tall, thin female "waifs" with disproportionate "Barbie-like" features walk the fashion catwalk to showcase size 0 clothing.
That doesn't describe hundreds of millions of women, nor me. When did the debate start about what defines plus size clothing, size 12 or 14?
For centuries, beautiful women were shapely, soft and rounded, maybe even plump. Anyone remember the vivacious and curvy size 10 or 12 sexpot Marilyn Monroe? Would she be considered a sexpot now?
There are some beautiful "plus-size" women in Hollywood, but let us all admit it's only a handful, and that is not enough. The standards of outward beauty are constantly evolving, while consideration for inner beauty appears to be drifting further and further away from social consciousness.
Enjoying the company of my fellow humans, I feel blessed to know and work with so many beautiful people, inside and out. They inspire me to be better, which is why I don't plan on dieting. I just want to be healthier.

When I first thought of beauty I usually think of outward appearances. Maybe it’s because I’m struggling right now with being satisfied with my own looks or maybe I’m just vain. Who knows.  Regardless, I started thinking “For me to be beautiful I need to be skinny again (as in pre-pregnancy weight) and toned. I need to have my circles gone or at the very least well hidden. I need to have a cute hair cut. I need cute clothes.”

Then…my kids woke up. I walked in their rooms to say good morning and they smiled.  At that moment I realized that what I was defining as beautiful really wasn’t beautiful….this was.

Nothing is more beautiful to me than my kids smiling at me when they wake up.
Nothing is more beautiful than looking in the mirror and being able to say “I love you for who you are and will always be.”

Beautiful is the first warm day after an excruciating winter.
Beautiful is being happy with who you are and being proud of where you are in your life.
Beautiful is getting a hug that lasts that extra moment because your friend/loved one knows you need it.
Beautiful is a friendship that comes to save you when you’re at your lowest.
Beautiful is living a life you’re proud of and one that you can tell your children about without feeling guilty.
Beautiful is sunny days.
Beautiful is faith in a God bigger than my problems.
Beautiful is friends to encourage me.
Beautiful is friends I can encourage.
Beautiful is family I can adore.
Beautiful is a cozy bed at night to curl up with my hubby.
Beautiful is a roof over my head.
Beautiful is Happy memories.
We are beautiful!

Here’s to enjoying the beautiful moments in life…big or small.  What IS beautiful to you?

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