Thursday, August 18, 2011

a place for everything......

I've been executing a test at home this week.  It's an easy one... probably one that MOST of you would pass.  That is, of course if you are a woman.  The rest of you I am convinced would FAIL.

Here's the test I've been conducting over the past 4 days.  There's a pencil on my staircase going upstairs.  Obvioulsy a pencil doesn't belong on the stairs, right?  Do you pick it up?  Or do you walk over it 45 times a day.... for 4 days????

Guess how MY family has decided to answer?

Now I know I have an OCD issue.  Things need to be just so.  But.... really?  Please explain to me why it's so hard to pick to pick things up that don't belong somewhere.  Especially on the floor!?!?!

I've come to the conclusion that cleaning is low priority for some people.  Ok... low priority for MEN.  You know, because they don't even have time to complete their abundance of high-priority activities. Like napping, watching sports games on TV, drinking beer while discussing women's physical and sexual attributes, bowling, and flirting with their sister-in-law while their wife is doing the dishes......

Then there's the reason that men somehow believe that cleaning is women's work and so by doing it, they'll be perceived as less masculine. Unfortunately, this has historical precedent. At the high point of his career, Alexander the Great was spotted dusting his shield. For the remainder of his life, no matter how impressive his accomplishments, whenever he passed by, onlookers would snicker and refer to him as, first, Alexander the Duster; then, Dusty, Dustine, and finally, Dust. Eventually, this drove him insane. At his funeral, mourners could not help but scoff and toss feather dusters on top of his coffin.

Well.... we wouldn't want THAT to happen... would we??

My point of this??  Well... simple.  Clean home = happy home.  Finish what you start... and put things where they belong....  both are simple mood lifters that'll make you feel GREAT... and keep a smile on your spouses' face as well. 

Now someone... PLEASE... pick up that pencil!! :)

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