Saturday, August 6, 2011

red and yellow and pink and green......

My favorite color is purple.  It's the color of purpose, and suits the principle I live by each and every day.   “Have a purpose in life; love what you do and do what you love.”  It's also the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. 

I also like the color yellow. It's the color of optimism.  There are times when I become overly positive, but as I tell friends, I am a realistic optimist - I make sure I remain grounded in the realities of life.  I've read that you should put some yellow in your life when you want clarity for decision-making, relief from 'burnout', panic, nervousness, exhaustion, sharper memory and concentration skills and protection from lethargy and depression during dull weather.

Hummmm....... perfect color for where I live.

So, take a look around and inside your heart.  What color do you represent?  What colors are you in NEED of?

Did you know about the Law of Attraction?  It states that we attract everything we think about. If we think that we are happy, then we are going to be happy; we attract ourselves to whatever we think, whatever we believe in, and to whatever we concentrate our energies on. If we think negatively, we attract negative vibrations too.  

The gift of colors has imbued the world with such great beauty. Colors give meaning to the things we do, the objects we surround ourselves with, to the personality and all it’s shifting moods and to all the events that make our lives.

Let's all try today to attract positive colors... and positive thoughts.  Think of how beautiful the world will be if we do......

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