Friday, July 29, 2011

blah to bliss..... :)

In an average day..... it is estimated that we have 60,000 thoughts.  Have you ever stopped to think how many of those are happy thoughts?

I will admit... as happy as I usually am... I have days where I want to strangle to first person I see.  I want to just scream.... give the "finger" to every jerk that annoys me when I'm driving.... and be really really rude to the bank tellers.  Ok... not really THAT bad... but close.  Every day is NOT filled with delight and glee.  It's not all sunshine and rainbows in my world.  Ask my husband.  :)

So... how DO you stay positive and happy when you want to throw a chair (or your husband) out the window?  Here's a list I've come up with... use what you want.... roll your eyes at the rest.

1.  Recall someone or something that makes you happy.  Daydream about him/her or the place.  Do you like the beach?  Listen for the waves or smell the salty air.  Soak up the sun too... vitamin D keeps your serotonin high (a feel-good hormone!!)

2. Focus on what you've been ignoring.  When was the last time you read a book or got your oil changed?   Find something you've been meaning to do and DO IT!

3. Stay in the present.  Don't worry about what happened yesterday or all the crap you have to do tomorrow.   Appreciate the mundane activities you do without thinking... like eating, bathing, walking.  Take notice of how things make you feel.  Shut off the electronics while your doing so too.....

4. Listen to music.   What kind of music makes you happy?  Journey does it for me every time!  (well... that and Barry Manilow... )

5. Take a walk.  Fresh air and a change of scenery will do you good.  While your walking... take in the sights and sounds of things around you!

6.  Realize that you're being a loser by spoiling valuable life moments with negative energy.  Yep... tough love.

7. Eat chocolate.  It's been medically proven that dark chocolate acts as a natural anti-depressant.  Just don't over-indulge.

8. Put yourself in a movie.  Embracing yourself in your favorite movie moment triggers optimism!

9.  Show off your moves.  Bogey down.... dance fever.  Whichever you choose... moving around releases endorphins and elevate your mood.

10. Turn the negative positive.  List 5 things that went wrong today, then read them out loud.  It may sound counter intuitive, but it works.  When you hear it all together, you'll see how minor it all is.  (You dropped your bagel on the floor, found a new grey hair, showered with no shampoo because your daughter used the last of it...)  A little perspective goes a long way.

11. Send out good vibes.  Tell three friends what you like about them.  Your kind words will help you feel terrific!

12. Break out of the box.  Do one small thing that's new and unexpected.  Put a temporary tattoo on your ankle, whipped cream on your coffee.  Novelty makes people feel good!

13. Start a blog.  (hummmmm)  it gives you an outlet for your feelings. :)

14. Call a fun friend.  Sometimes the voice on the other line is all you need to make you feel a little bit better... and make you smile.

Whatever it takes, try to make every day a happy one.  There are so many things that make us smile.... and like I've said before... it really really looks good on you.

Happy Friday all!!

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