Friday, July 29, 2011

blah to bliss..... :)

In an average day..... it is estimated that we have 60,000 thoughts.  Have you ever stopped to think how many of those are happy thoughts?

I will admit... as happy as I usually am... I have days where I want to strangle to first person I see.  I want to just scream.... give the "finger" to every jerk that annoys me when I'm driving.... and be really really rude to the bank tellers.  Ok... not really THAT bad... but close.  Every day is NOT filled with delight and glee.  It's not all sunshine and rainbows in my world.  Ask my husband.  :)

So... how DO you stay positive and happy when you want to throw a chair (or your husband) out the window?  Here's a list I've come up with... use what you want.... roll your eyes at the rest.

1.  Recall someone or something that makes you happy.  Daydream about him/her or the place.  Do you like the beach?  Listen for the waves or smell the salty air.  Soak up the sun too... vitamin D keeps your serotonin high (a feel-good hormone!!)

2. Focus on what you've been ignoring.  When was the last time you read a book or got your oil changed?   Find something you've been meaning to do and DO IT!

3. Stay in the present.  Don't worry about what happened yesterday or all the crap you have to do tomorrow.   Appreciate the mundane activities you do without thinking... like eating, bathing, walking.  Take notice of how things make you feel.  Shut off the electronics while your doing so too.....

4. Listen to music.   What kind of music makes you happy?  Journey does it for me every time!  (well... that and Barry Manilow... )

5. Take a walk.  Fresh air and a change of scenery will do you good.  While your walking... take in the sights and sounds of things around you!

6.  Realize that you're being a loser by spoiling valuable life moments with negative energy.  Yep... tough love.

7. Eat chocolate.  It's been medically proven that dark chocolate acts as a natural anti-depressant.  Just don't over-indulge.

8. Put yourself in a movie.  Embracing yourself in your favorite movie moment triggers optimism!

9.  Show off your moves.  Bogey down.... dance fever.  Whichever you choose... moving around releases endorphins and elevate your mood.

10. Turn the negative positive.  List 5 things that went wrong today, then read them out loud.  It may sound counter intuitive, but it works.  When you hear it all together, you'll see how minor it all is.  (You dropped your bagel on the floor, found a new grey hair, showered with no shampoo because your daughter used the last of it...)  A little perspective goes a long way.

11. Send out good vibes.  Tell three friends what you like about them.  Your kind words will help you feel terrific!

12. Break out of the box.  Do one small thing that's new and unexpected.  Put a temporary tattoo on your ankle, whipped cream on your coffee.  Novelty makes people feel good!

13. Start a blog.  (hummmmm)  it gives you an outlet for your feelings. :)

14. Call a fun friend.  Sometimes the voice on the other line is all you need to make you feel a little bit better... and make you smile.

Whatever it takes, try to make every day a happy one.  There are so many things that make us smile.... and like I've said before... it really really looks good on you.

Happy Friday all!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.....

I went to the cemetery the other day to visit my grandma and grandpa.  It's kind of nice, as they're buried only a few blocks from my house... so I'm able to stop by quite often.  I love going... it's peaceful... and gives me the time to sit and remember all those special moments we had together.  Although I never was able to meet my Grandpa Balling... I imagine what he was like..... and wonder what parts of me are just like him.  He liked having parties... so there's ONE thing.  And he had a big smile... ok... two. 

When I visit, I usually have a bottle of some sort with me to water their flowers.  As I look around at all the other grave sites with their wilting pots, I spend awhile watering everyone else's flowers too... it's so sad for me to think that they've wilted due to lack of care.  So... an hour later... I'm still watering.  Kinda makes me feel like I've accomplished something... I'm sure my grandparents look down on me and laugh.... because they know I'd spend the entire day there watering every one's flowers if I could.

This weekend, we're going to Chicago.  It's where my dad is from... and where my brother and most favorite Aunt currently live.  My grandparents lived right in the city.... can't remember which side (west, north, east...)  but I remember the address:  4042 W. George Street.  They had an alley... and lived a few blocks from a playground.  I think my grandfather's pants fell down there once while he was pushing me on the swing when I was little.  My grandparents took us to McDonald's.... always bought us new clothes and sneakers.... and one of my most favorite parts... we went to Jewel to buy Oscar Meyer Sandwich Spread.  MMMMMMM.... good stuff!  Although faint, I can still hear both of their voices.... and see my grandmother serving us lunch.  She never sat down.... a trait I know I got from her.  She was your typical polish lady... always with a ton of food and a big smile.

Memories.  We all have them.  Good ones, and not so good ones.  We make new ones all the time... but do we make enough?  Times are tough nowadays.... money is tight... people are stressed.  But you know what?  We still need to make memories.  I want my kids to see everything I had the opportunity to see.  I want them to be bored in the car on the way to Chicago.  I want them to have to use a rest-stop.  (Eww.)  I would love for them to see and experience as much as they possibly can... life is too short to be bored!  Although they will never know their great-grandparents, I tell them as much as I can about them.  I show them pictures and tell them stories.  It's always fun to go to Chicago and show them all the things I did there as a child... it not only makes ME smile remembering the old days... it allows me to share a piece of my history with them.

Memories.  Capture them while you can.  It's never too late... and always worthwhile.  What memories will YOU make today?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

do happy.

"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself." ~Max Ehrmann

Everyone has this habit. You compare cars, houses, jobs, shoes, relationships, social popularity.... the list goes on. At the end of the day, you pummel your self-esteem into the ground and create a lot of negative thoughts and feelings within.


Compare yourself to yourself. We often compare someones strength to our weaknesses. How is that fair? Take a look at what you have achieved, and how close you have gotten to your goals. This is a great habit to start, as you'll create gratitude and kindness towards yourself, be able to see the obstacles you have overcome, and the great stuff you have done. You'll feel good about yourself without feeling less of other people.

Realize.... you can't win. No matter what you do, chances are someone in the world has more than you, is better than you at something, is skinnier, prettier, and has more money. It's the way it is.... wallowing in self-pity is NOT a way to go through life. Turn it around. Find something in you that you really love. Focus on helping people and being kind. Nobody is perfect. Intellectually, we all know that.... but emotionally, we seem to feel bad for ourselves when we don't reach perfection. You aren't perfect - and you never will be. I certainly am not, and I've learned to be ok with that. Look at it in a different way....that imperfection is what makes you who you are..... so you already are perfect!

Last of all.... SMILE! You are truly amazing. Start treating yourself as such.

Monday, July 25, 2011

you have something in your teeth.....

"I wonder what Piglet is doing" thought Pooh. "I wish I was there doing it too."

How many of you have true friends? You know.. the ones that will tell you when you have something on your face... or answer the phone when they see your number on the caller ID at 3am?

Better yet... how about friends that just KNOW when things aren't right by the sound of your voice or look in your eyes? Then they laugh at you and tell you to suck it up?

As we go through life, we all encounter many friends. Through it all, I've learned that friendship isn't about being friendly. It's not about being trustworthy. It's the actual act of trust that is the basis of friendship. If I trust you to be truthful... then you are a friend. If I find I must be careful how I say things....then it's something other than friendship.

Friendship is not a state of mind. It's an act. It's something you do; it's not whether you're good or not, it's not a reflection of you, it's a balanced relationship between people. True friendship is perhaps the only relation that survives the trials and tribulations of time and remains unconditional. It's a unique blend of affection, love, loyalty, trust and loads of fun. It's a feeling of comfort and emotional safety with a person. You never have to weigh your thoughts and measure words. It's when someone knows you better than yourself and is at your side no matter what the crisis. Friendship is eternal.

Why do I write about this today? Well.... simply put.... I have some really great friends. A lot of us spent time together this weekend.... and the feeling was like when you come home after a long day.... and sink into the couch with your feet up..... comfortable. It's fun to have people to laugh with... laugh at.... or laugh about. All in front of each other, of course.

So, when you look at the people around you, think to yourself.... "Friendship is __________." I bet your answers are diverse with each and every one. But ask yourself THIS question. Are YOU a good friend?" Do you listen? Are you trustworthy? Are you selfless? Are you there when they need you, not just when you need something from them? Are you happy for their successes? Do you accept them for what they are?

I once gave a card to one of my best friends.... and it still rings true today. "If I you live to be 100, I hope to live to be 100 minus 1 day so I never have to live without you." (That Winnie the Pooh... he's so smart! ?)

Happy Birthday to a dear friend... :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

patience is a virtue......

Patience. I have none. Ask anyone close to me and they'll tell you... I am probably the most impatient person you'll ever meet.

Here's an example. When we go somewhere as a family, it takes my husband and kids FOREVER to get out of the car. Me.... I park, grab my stuff, and GET OUT. Done. Them... they fix their shoes, put their sunglasses away, check around for the dust to settle.... WHO KNOWS what they're doing. It drives me insane. MOVE it people.... let's go... MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!

I don't lolly gag.... I do what I need to do and keep moving. I rarely sit. I always have to be doing something. Always.

As I take a long, hard look at myself today... I'm sure this isn't the way to be. I'm probably missing all the little things in life. I think I need to slow down. This is an imperfection in myself that I really don't like.... but how to remedy it?

I think the major issue with my impatience is stress. I have a lot of it. The more stressed I am, the harder it is for me to face additional requests for my time. So... on this Sunday, I am starting anew. I am going to start removing myself from things I have no control over. I'm going to count to ten before responding. I am going to smile more often and let it all just roll....

Don't laugh..... just hurry up and get out of the car. I have stuff to do.

Friday, July 22, 2011

the little things.....

I took my kids to Anderson's yesterday to meet my mom, Lynette and Elaine for dinner. Luckily, we were able to find two tables inside for the 6 of us to sit at, as eating outside in this heat would not have been too enjoyable.

So, we ordered, and all sat to eat. Being there were six of us, and the table sat 8, we had two extra seats available. (I know... I'm a Math genius!) Up walked a little old lady with her dinner, using a walker. "Excuse me Miss, would it be ok if I sat with you? It's really hot outside and hard to breathe."

"Of course!" I said... moving our things over so she could sit. We engaged her in some polite conversation. I asked if she had a/c at home, and if she was there alone.

"No," she said. "My friend is here with me, but she wasn't sure if you would let us sit here so she's sitting in her car."

"Really?" I asked. "Where is she parked? I'll go get her."
"She's in a red car. Parked next to my Buick." (hehe... Buick.... classic old person car... ) "She has white hair."

So, up I went.... casing the parking lot for an old lady with white hair in a red car. Couldn't find her. So... now I'm worried. Where was she? Did she leave? Did she fall in the bathroom? Did this lady REALLY bring a friend?

I went back to my table. "I can't see her anywhere," I told the lady.
"Oh wait.. there she is," she said. She was seated in the middle of the room by herself eating ice cream.

I walked up to her and asked her to come sit with us, as we had plenty of room. The poor lady was on oxygen... and I could tell this weather was bothering her. So... over she walked and joined us for dinner. I helped them clear their garbage, got them napkins... and smiled. Oh... and my kids entertained them with their attempts to eat an ice cream cone in this heat. It was such a great feeling to know I might have just made their evening.

Now, let me tell you.... this is NOT the first time that I have been in this type of situation. I tell you, I have some type of magnetism for elderly people. I carry groceries to their cars.... once... my elderly next door neighbor had no dial tone on his phone... so I spend a good half hour on the phone with Verizon trying to figure out the problem. After going up and down his basement and upstairs.... we finally found a phone off the hook. :) I won't even mention the time an elderly woman was lost in Wegmans... then didn't have enough money to pay for her groceries.......

In any case... the reason I write about this today is simple. Kindness. How kind are you to people you don't even know? I ramble about "random acts of kindness" all the time. But you know what... I do them. I practice what I preach. You really never know how something as little as carrying a tray to the garbage for an elderly lady who uses a walker, can make their day.

So today... especially in this heat... I challenge you to do something nice for someone. Bring a treat to a friend who may need it, let that person in the BMW pull in front of you, and open the door for a mom carrying 2 kids and a stroller. I'll tell you what... it'll make you feel good.... and perhaps be that changing moment in your day where you can say... "You know what... things aren't really as bad as they seem."

"The door to happiness opens outward." So... do yourself a favor.... hold that door open. :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

it is what we are.....

Use your talent (everybody has one) in any way you can. Don't keep it to yourself like a miser - spend it like a millionaire! ~Lucy MacDonald

None of us think we're talented. We can't paint, we can't dance or sing, we're terrible at gardening. But... have you ever thought you have a "hidden talent?"

Are you good at understanding people? You probably communicate well and have a calming presence that helps everything go more smoothly. I bet people crave your complements.... because you have a way of making everyone feel important.

Are you savvy? I bet decision making is easy for you because you have killer intuition. The correct path is always clear to you.... you're a great visionary. You help people understand situations... in a flash.

Are you quick witted? I'm sure you have a way with words....and are never at a loss to describe how you feel. When you're "up"... you make everyone happy.

Do you have magnetism? You most likely have the power to persuade and influence others. You can probably turn the whole room around.... with great leadership.

I bet you never realized that any of these things are talents. They're a part of who you are... and probably never thought of using these special "powers" for good. These are things you do without thinking... which really shows what a gift it is.

So today... take a look at yourself. Find what it is that you like to do... something you're good at. Once you find it, pursue it and share it with all your heart. It may just be that one thing that gets you through the day today... or help someone else get through theirs.

So tell me.... what is your hidden talent? And... most importantly.... how are you going to use it today?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

happiness is......

At dinner last night..... we had a discussion about our favorite Walt Disney World rides. My oldest daughter laughed, as she noted that I really don't like going on any of them. I don't like to spin in circles (ugh.... barf!), I'm not a fan of getting wet (the hair!), I really don't like my brains being scrambled by going upside down and it hurts my neck to be thrown around on anything wild and bumpy. "Why do you even want to go there, mommy?" she asked.

Good question.

Well.... for one, there's Johnny Depp. Real or not, I could spend all day on "Pirates of the Caribbean." Second, there's people. I love to watch people. I love to admire outfits and shoes people choose.... and listen to partial conversations as they walk by.

Lastly, I love magic. Laugh if you will, it really is the happiest place on earth. There is nothing like walking into the park in the morning.... well... as early morning as the Fakharzadeh family can get....... to Main Street USA. Any stress you have, any sadness you feel suddenly gets swept away. The smell, the sight is soothing to me.... you can't help but smile. Just picturing it in my mind brings about so many happy memories.

So... why do I bring this up today? Well.... I want you to wonder... what makes YOU happy? I'm sure there's something. Ok... picturing it in your mind? Well.... remember it. When life gets you down, you're feeling kind of "blah" or you're just having one of those days.... go back in your mind to that place... or moment. Even for a brief second.... doesn't it make you feel just a little bit better?

Next time you're somewhere you enjoy.... take a snapshot in your mind. I do it all the time.... say to yourself... "remember this moment...." It really works. I can picture myself standing near the train station at Disney... looking at all the people... smelling that "Disney smell," yes... Disney has a SMELL.... and I'm smiling. I watch my kids fight over who gets to hold the map and which ride to go first. ahhhhh..... happiness.

So.... tell me.....What is it that makes YOU smile?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

fate steps in and sees you through....

Yesterday was an eye opener for me.

In a matter of two hours, I went from being happy and worry-less to scared and a nervous wreck. Amazing how your mindset changes when your health is involved.

I had a mammogram yesterday. Just a normal, routine mammogram. Normally, you're in and out... squish.... done. But yesterday, things weren't just right. I sat... and waited. Then, I was called back in to have "more pictures" done. The doctor needed other views. I sat and waited again... all the while watching mindless TV on how Jennifer Lopez and her dorky husband were getting a divorce. Yeah.... I'm sure no one saw THAT was coming.

I was called back again... this time, for a sonogram. Ok... by this point, I was a wreck. And I was alone... with no one to worry with. My phone was locked away.... I couldn't text anyone.... nothing. My mind was racing with thoughts like "How long am I going to live?" and "What are my children going to do without a mommy?" I know.. it's a little dramatic... but it's what races through your mind when you feel like you're going to be told you have breast cancer.

So.. I sat and waited again. Finally.... I was able to see the doctor. "Everything looks fine." he said. "I just wanted to make sure, as you have asymmetrical breasts. blah blah blah..... (fill in medical talk here....) After that... I basically heard nothing because the voices in my head were celebrating too loudly.

Wow. Out of the blue. In an instant... my life could have changed. And you know what? I was so not ready for it to do so. I have so many things that I haven't done yet. So many people I haven't met. So much a head of me.... so much happiness to pursue.

So here's my message for today: Life is too short. If there are things you haven't done, do them. If you are unhappy for any reason.... change that reason. Celebrate what you have, give and love others unconditionally, whisper "I love you" to that person in your life that makes you feel happy. You'll never have a second chance.... you live ONE life.... be sure you're not taking it for granted..... live it to the fullest.

I know I will.

Monday, July 18, 2011

ugh.... Monday.

What we focus on, we empower and enlarge. Good multiplies when focused upon. Negativity multiples when focused upon. The choice is ours. What do we want more of? ~Julia Cameron

I'm going to continue on my trend of positive thinking.... because a lot of my friends are having a really bad Monday.

Do you realize the power and influence of your thoughts? You're mad or hate something because you have convinced yourself to do so. Negativity is a virus that spreads very quickly and is VERY contagious. Good news is....positivity is even more contagious.

I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle three things: a rainy day, lost luggage and tangled Christmas lights.

I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But, if you focus on your family, your friends, the needs of others and doing the best you can.... happiness will find you.

I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.

I've learned that people love the human touch. Holding hands, a warm hug, or just a pat on the shoulder.

Most importantly, I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.

Remember. People will always forget what you've said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Make today a great day.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

smile... it looks good on you

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whichever has to be done, it's always your choice.
~Wayne Dyer

I admit it.... I have my moments. However, they come and go quicky because I keep one thing in mind: I am responsible for me. No one else is responsible for how I feel or how I act. Is it fun to be miserable and go through the day aggrivated and feeling "blah?" Nope.

So today..... I choose happiness. What will you choose?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

just jelly.... thanks.

Peanuts. Tree Nuts. Shellfish. I must have said those words a million times since the summer of 2003. These are things that have given me nightmares..... made me cry.... and are so dangerous to my oldest daughter, that the mere thought of them in my house make me sick to my stomach.

I'll never ever forget the words of Mehri's pediatrician. "She can have all table food."he says. I asked "What about peanut butter?" His answer: "Well... if she's allergic, she's allergic."

Guess what? She's allergic. And not just a little allergic.... A LOT allergic.

Some people don't understand, this isn't an allergy that will make her sneeze or give her hives. It's an allergy that closes her throat so she can't breathe. It sends her into anaphylactic shock. Ultimately, if not treated correctly... it will kill her. The first time I gave her a little bit of peanut butter on a piece of bread, her reaction was very fast. Within seconds, her lips swelled, and she began vomiting. Within minutes, her face blew up in hives... I swear to you I have never ever seen any one's ears get so big in my life. Lucky for us, this was her first reaction... so her breathing wasn't affected. Next time... we won't be so lucky. I won't forget the doctors and nurses at Children's Hospital putting an IV in her little arm.... nor the screaming that accompanied it..... it's a scene burned into my memory for life... and one I never ever hope to re-play.

Those of you with this type of allergy or have someone you love with this type of allergy know how much stress this causes. Anxiety. Sleepless nights. Worry. However, I believe God only gives us as much as one can handle. He wants me to turn this horrible negative into a positive.... somehow.

Over these past 8 years, I've educated many people about food allergies. People tell me how the knowledge I've given them has changed the way they look at food labels. It has opened their eyes and hearts to kids who suffer from food allergies. I have joined the local food allergy support group, gone to battle with the Town of Tonawanda School District over proper ways to handle children with severe allergies during the school day, and have turned into the "Food Allergy Police" at all family parties and gatherings. I don't even have to ask anymore.... "No nuts, Laura." I smile.

Every year, FAAN (Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network) holds fundraising walks all over the United States to raise money for research to find a cure to food allergies. The walk in Buffalo is on August 13th. My family will be there as "Team Mehri." If you can't walk with us, consider a donation. Over the past few years, new and exciting testing has been done in hopes of finding a cure. Keep your fingers crossed!

As my husband tells me, there are many other things we could have been given when it comes to our children. I am so very grateful for being able to advocate for such an important cause. I see why God entrusted me.... and thank him for giving me the strength to continue day in and day out. It's been trying... and believe me when I tell you.... NEVER easy. However, it's second nature to me now.... and I'm able to deal with it... and deal with it with FLAIR.

Silver lining. There's always one somewhere. Just gotta look for it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

let's go!

Spontaneous. (Adj.) coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency; without effort or premeditation; natural and unconstrained; unplanned.

Yep. That's me in a nutshell. Drives my husband NUTS. He's a planner. Needs to know what we are doing, when we are doing it with NO curve balls thrown in.

How spontaneous are you? Here's a test. It's Friday. You are off from work on Monday and Tuesday. I say to you.... let's go to Chicago for the weekend! Do you go? I would.

Or.... you're driving in the country. You see a cool road off to the right that seems to go nowhere. Yeah, you have to be at a picnic in half and hour.... do you turn and explore? Yep... I would.

What makes some of us spontaneous... and some of us not? What makes us want to do wild and crazy things just "'cause?" Want to try it? Try this:

1. Stop making plans all the time.
2. Don't over analyze everything.
3. If shyness is holding you back.... make it a POINT to do something you normally wouldn't do, such as complement a stranger. (I do that all the time...) it gets easier after time, and may help you let yourself go.
4. If you think of someone out of the blue... call them.
5. If someone calls you...ask them to go get a coffee... right then and there.

Now... these are baby steps. For experienced spontaneous people like me.... this has become a life skill. Don't over-do it or become excessive. You can be spontaneous without overspending.

Does your daily routine take over your spontaneity? Does it make a quiet exit, day by day without any notice? Perhaps you're always reminding yourself to be careful or prepared. Don't get me wrong - there's nothing wrong with a little preparation. BUT, if you are always planning every little thing in your life and are obsessed with orderliness... you've forgotten how to be spontaneous.

So. are you booked till September? There are 24 hours in a day; you'll always find time to do things that are important to you. Finding time to be spontaneous is important. Stop worrying about staying on schedule and start living! Schedule time to be in your car and just drive. Go to the movies without deciding what you're going to see. Order something different off the menu.

As Albert Einstein said, "The most beautiful thing you can experience is the mysterious." So go ahead. Be spontaneous. I dare you.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

chooo chooo???

I believe in the power of the mind.

I cannot tell you how many people sit around and wait for a Leprechaun to come hit them with the lucky stick. It's those whose vocabulary is full of "I can't do that.", "It's just not possible.", "Life is hard.", and "Why me?"

Here's my thought for this Thursday: Negativity sucks away energy. If part of your negativity stems from your attitude or perspective, commit yourself at the beginning of each day and each activity to find something positive in yourself and others around you. Stay focused on your goals and make the best of EVERY situation.

Don't jump on the negativity train. Run on the positive trail. Start all your conversations positively. Smile. Do things for yourself that make you happy. Happiness is contagious. If you're happy, the people around you become happy. It's at that moment you realize how much you have missed by sitting on that train to negativity.

So... start today. I want to know ONE thing you love about yourself. Just one. It's harder than you think it is, isn't it?

Me? Well.. the one thing I love about myself is my happiness. I am always happy. I laugh all the time. I find humor in every situation. I live by the motto "Life is too short to be miserable." And it is. Some people find it annoying.... however... I see that as their problem. :) I like me for who I am.... if other's don't, it's ok.... I'm fine with that. (And I'm smiling and I write that, too!)

So, now it's YOUR turn. Take a look inside. What is it that YOU love about YOU?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

what do YOU see?

I see an elephant.
I see a dragon.
I see a teapot.

Remember when you were little during those long boring days of summer; lying on the grass, looking up to the sky and creating images in your mind from the white fluffy clouds? I do.

As I was driving into work today, I couldn't help but notice the clouds. Big, white and full of imagination. You know me, I always look for a hidden Mickey. (I take it as a sign from God that I should take a trip to Walt Disney World.)

Imagination. I use it a lot. I imagine myself on Pompano Beach with a strawberry margarita watching Reza hang out in the pool. I imagine life as a wealthy person.... not having to work and being able to spend afternoons with the kids, making chocolate chip cookies and putting puzzles together.

I imagine how life would be if I didn't have two beautiful daughters. Man, how boring my days would be. I quickly scratch that from my mind.... wouldn't want to imagine life without them.

As we go through our day, what do you imagine? As adults, I think sometimes we forget to imagine. We forget to dream. Maybe we think we're too old? Maybe we think it's too childish?

Think about it. By using your imagination each and every day, you can make your day much more exciting and interesting. You'll find yourself more motivated and happy. I think most adults grow out of their imagination, and therefore are much more stressed out. We all need to be a bit more full of life and carefree! How?

Well, how about thinking of doing something out of the ordinary when you wake up? Donate dog food to the SPCA or bake some cookies for your next door neighbor.
Take a 10 minute break during your workday to sit outside on a bench and watch people walk by.
Rearrange your living rooms.
Write a book, song or poem.
Make a gift for someone you love.

Simple things. Things that will make you feel like a better person... and perhaps that kid that once sat in the backyard, looking up at the clouds.

Oh... look! I see a Mickey head!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

stop moving the fan!

I. am. hot. No... it is not a self-proclamation. I am too warm. Overheated. HOT.

As I lay in bed last night with 2 fans blowing on me, I was brought back to my days as a child living on Brookside Terrace West with my sister and two brothers. We had a nice 5 bedroom, two story colonial.... with no air conditioning.... and ONE box fan.

My sister and I talk about this all the time.... we would try to fall asleep upstairs in the sweltering heat, with cold washcloths on our foreheads, trying to share a box fan among the four of us. It had to be 90 degrees upstairs.... we would just lay there.... sweating.

Here's how it usually worked. My mom would say "leave the fan in the hallway so you'll get a cross-breeze." CROSS BREEZE? Sure mom. Never happened. So we would fight over who got the air blowing towards their bedroom. It always ended up with Ken winning... cause he stayed up the latest.... and could move the fan without any one of us knowing. (Yeah Ken... it's TRUE.)

So now I wonder. Did suffering through the summer with no central air make me a stronger, more understanding and empathetic person? Maybe. Are our children today spoiled with too many luxuries like central air conditioning? Probably. However, what is wrong with a good nights sleep?

If you don't already know, our central air decided it was time to stop working... so we've spent the last month trying everything possible (on a little budget) to get it to work again with negative results. So my house is hot and sticky, filled with pollen and very uncomfortable. I haven't really cleaned upstairs since it's been so warm - I cannot stand sweating. We've eaten out a lot, as turning my gas stove on in this heat makes it unbearable in my kitchen. I sneeze about 30 times every morning, as I have horrible allergies to grass and trees. These lovely fans we have in our windows to try and draw cooler air in during the night is also carrying in lots of allergens. So... I've used about 6 boxes of Kleenex already.

Yep... when you can't sleep, these are all the things that float through your head.

I know we had it rougher when we were children. No one had air conditioning. (But, we DID have a pool!) No one complained. It was a part of life.... something we just had to deal with. However as I think more and more about all the luxuries my children have today, I think maybe it's good for them to sweat a little. Maybe it's OK for them to be tired in the morning because they were hot and restless during the night. It'll make them more appreciative, right? It better, cause I don't know how much more of this I can take.....

As much as I would rather be a stay-at-home mommy... and as much as I love the warm weather.... I am thankful I'm headed back to work today.... with A/C.

Stay cool... and save a washcloth for me. I'm gonna need it for a few more nights.....

Sunday, July 10, 2011


It's was my sister's 40th birthday yesterday.... and being the timely person I am, I ventured to the mall last night to get her a gift. (Don't criticize.... she's away on vacation... she'll never know!)

So, I decided not to go to just any mall.... I drove to the Galleria.... a two story store extravaganza. Why? Well... my sister doesn't wear clothes from Target or Walmart.... it's Ann Taylor or JCrew for her. The PERFECT stores to bring two children to shop. I like to give gifts I know people would use... and usually not buy for themselves. Off we went!

You would think by now I would stick a stroller in the back of my van... as I am the queen of spontaneity.... and the mother of a very curious 3-year old. But no.... the stroller sits neatly folded in my garage... exactly where it shouldn't be.

So after purchasing a few things from Ann Taylor, and Darya dismantling the entire shoe rack by trying on every pair of high heels they had.... we decided to check out the new H&M store. It's here where I realized.... after 41 years... I have become a very patient woman.

Darya wanted a Hello Kitty crown. Nope. Not happening. So, she ventured into a clothing rack.... or shall I say UNDER a clothing rack.... to pout. It's at this moment my eyes were opened to the cruelty of America. This young girl... couldn't be more than 15.... was in the CHILDREN'S section of the store. She glances towards me and says "I hate people."

REALLY? You HATE people? How is that possible? Sure... my daughter was being a bit disruptive..... but you HATE people? Hummmm... I thought.

People come in all shapes, sizes and cultures. People are doctors, day care providers, cashiers and store owners. People save lives, comfort others, give of themselves for what they believe in. People discover cures to diseases, rush to the scene of tragic accidents, hold doors for elderly ladies in wheelchairs and give blood in hopes they may save a life.

How can you HATE people?

As she stormed away, I felt sorry for her. I wanted to grab her and give her a big hug... as I think she may be missing something in her life.

As annoying as things can be at times, we need to remember how lucky we are to be part of a simple thing called "life." We need to be thankful for PEOPLE.... cause they're the ones that supply us with everyday love and entertainment. Big people, little people.... doesn't matter. Who would ever want to give up that 3-year-old hug in the morning followed by that little voice, "Mommy, how was your sleep?" Priceless.

So, as annoying as that fellow shoppers' little girl may seem.... don't hate people. We're what makes the world go round.... and may be that ONE person that changes your life forever.

What will your random act of kindness be today?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

there's nothing to do!

"Mommy.... can we go to Bounce Magic?"

Can we go to the Aquatic Center?"

"I'm bored."
"Too bad...find something to do. Go outside."
"I don't want to go outside! There's nothing to do out there!"

Sound familiar? Ahhhhh..... summer vacation. The time of year the kids look forward to.... and the parents.... well...... that's another story.

In thinking about the world today, I am saddened. When I was younger, my mom told me to go outside and didn't start to wonder where I was until dinner was ready. We played in the fields behind our house, kickball in the street, hide-and-go-seek at a friends house 5 blocks away.... all without telling my parents where we were going. We probably skipped lunch, drank from the garden hose, and walked around with bare feet.

It's now 2011.... my kids don't leave my sight. I need to know where they are at all times, even if it's in my own backyard. I only leave them alone back there for 5 minutes at a time without peering out the window to make sure they're ok. There are no neighborhood kids playing outside.... perhaps it's the neighborhood I live in.... but regardless... my kids constantly turn to me for entertainment. Did I bring this on myself? Perhaps. However how many of you would allow your children to roam freely through your neighborhood without parental supervision?

So as I sit here with my two kids constantly asking me what there is to do.... I think about how I really miss the old days. I wish there was a big game of kickball going on in the street, or a unplanned pool party at a house 8 doors down. I feel bad for my children. They'll never know what it's like not to worry about some creepy man or woman grabbing them to their car... or following them down the street. It makes me sad to know they're growing up in a world of danger and over-protectiveness.

But.... let's look at the positive. They can google "What to do when I'm bored." (Yes.... Mehri did.)

Wishing all my friends a safe and happy summer.... and look at the bright side. School supplies are out already.

Friday, July 8, 2011

it's what's on the inside.....

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Such a true statement. But as I was getting ready this morning... I began to think.... is it?

Every morning I have a routine. I get up and shower, trudge downstairs to make Mehri her lunch, catch up on the morning news (and Facebook, of course!) wake up the kids and begin to ready myself for the day. I blowdry my hair, straighten it if need be, goop it all up with 3 different hair products... then start on the makeup.

This morning... I stopped and looked in the mirror. Why do I bother? Foundation, powder, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara..... all in an attempt to do what?

I have a picture of Reza and I on my mirror from when we first met. He was a little bit skinnier.... I was EVER so much skinnier... and young. My face was bright and worryless. I didn't have to get lunch ready for kids, nor worry that everyone had clean underwear for the day. I got up... ate breakfast and did what I had to do. There was no stress of bills, house cleaning, peanut allergies, or work. Life was simple.

So, as I started to paint up my face of the day.... I realized. I do this for me. Granted, Reza likes me to have make-up on.... but all in all.... it's MY decision to try to try and remain beautiful. It shows the world that I care about myself, and want to make the world a better place. No, I'm not vain. Do I think I'm beautiful? On the outside....No. But on the inside... absolutely. The hair, the make-up.... it's superficial.... but it helps me show how happy I am on the inside. Think about it... when you feel BLAH.... you look BLAH. I see now that this whole routine.... it's all about lifting my spirits.... so I can look back at that photo of Reza and I and say.... "Ya know what... I've aged gracefully."

So as YOU look in the mirror today, really look at yourself. Are you trying your hardest to be as beautiful as you can be? Behind the make-up and hair product.... what's inside? Do you smile often? Do you complemet someone "just because?" Do you sacrfice for someone just because you love them? We're all going to get older. And as I've realized.... more beautiful by the day.

Yep. Beauty really IS in the eye of the beholder.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

what's that smell?

Cigars. An old distinguished man's cancer stick. Yet, the name alone brings back so many memories. My grandfather's maroon Buick smelled of them.... and I can still picture him watering his front lawn in Chicago with a big fat one hanging out of his mouth.

It's a smell that's engraved in my mind forever.... one that will ALWAYS remind me of him. It allows me to slip back in time....instantaneously.

Rose Milk Lotion. Has my grandmother written all over it. I can still see her getting ready for Saturday night mass in Strykersville.... with her red lipstick and white pearl necklace.

The ocean.
Bread baking.
Grass being mowed.
New books.

The list goes on.

How about you? What scent makes you smile?