Friday, July 22, 2011

the little things.....

I took my kids to Anderson's yesterday to meet my mom, Lynette and Elaine for dinner. Luckily, we were able to find two tables inside for the 6 of us to sit at, as eating outside in this heat would not have been too enjoyable.

So, we ordered, and all sat to eat. Being there were six of us, and the table sat 8, we had two extra seats available. (I know... I'm a Math genius!) Up walked a little old lady with her dinner, using a walker. "Excuse me Miss, would it be ok if I sat with you? It's really hot outside and hard to breathe."

"Of course!" I said... moving our things over so she could sit. We engaged her in some polite conversation. I asked if she had a/c at home, and if she was there alone.

"No," she said. "My friend is here with me, but she wasn't sure if you would let us sit here so she's sitting in her car."

"Really?" I asked. "Where is she parked? I'll go get her."
"She's in a red car. Parked next to my Buick." (hehe... Buick.... classic old person car... ) "She has white hair."

So, up I went.... casing the parking lot for an old lady with white hair in a red car. Couldn't find her. So... now I'm worried. Where was she? Did she leave? Did she fall in the bathroom? Did this lady REALLY bring a friend?

I went back to my table. "I can't see her anywhere," I told the lady.
"Oh wait.. there she is," she said. She was seated in the middle of the room by herself eating ice cream.

I walked up to her and asked her to come sit with us, as we had plenty of room. The poor lady was on oxygen... and I could tell this weather was bothering her. So... over she walked and joined us for dinner. I helped them clear their garbage, got them napkins... and smiled. Oh... and my kids entertained them with their attempts to eat an ice cream cone in this heat. It was such a great feeling to know I might have just made their evening.

Now, let me tell you.... this is NOT the first time that I have been in this type of situation. I tell you, I have some type of magnetism for elderly people. I carry groceries to their cars.... once... my elderly next door neighbor had no dial tone on his phone... so I spend a good half hour on the phone with Verizon trying to figure out the problem. After going up and down his basement and upstairs.... we finally found a phone off the hook. :) I won't even mention the time an elderly woman was lost in Wegmans... then didn't have enough money to pay for her groceries.......

In any case... the reason I write about this today is simple. Kindness. How kind are you to people you don't even know? I ramble about "random acts of kindness" all the time. But you know what... I do them. I practice what I preach. You really never know how something as little as carrying a tray to the garbage for an elderly lady who uses a walker, can make their day.

So today... especially in this heat... I challenge you to do something nice for someone. Bring a treat to a friend who may need it, let that person in the BMW pull in front of you, and open the door for a mom carrying 2 kids and a stroller. I'll tell you what... it'll make you feel good.... and perhaps be that changing moment in your day where you can say... "You know what... things aren't really as bad as they seem."

"The door to happiness opens outward." So... do yourself a favor.... hold that door open. :)

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