Wednesday, July 20, 2011

happiness is......

At dinner last night..... we had a discussion about our favorite Walt Disney World rides. My oldest daughter laughed, as she noted that I really don't like going on any of them. I don't like to spin in circles (ugh.... barf!), I'm not a fan of getting wet (the hair!), I really don't like my brains being scrambled by going upside down and it hurts my neck to be thrown around on anything wild and bumpy. "Why do you even want to go there, mommy?" she asked.

Good question.

Well.... for one, there's Johnny Depp. Real or not, I could spend all day on "Pirates of the Caribbean." Second, there's people. I love to watch people. I love to admire outfits and shoes people choose.... and listen to partial conversations as they walk by.

Lastly, I love magic. Laugh if you will, it really is the happiest place on earth. There is nothing like walking into the park in the morning.... well... as early morning as the Fakharzadeh family can get....... to Main Street USA. Any stress you have, any sadness you feel suddenly gets swept away. The smell, the sight is soothing to me.... you can't help but smile. Just picturing it in my mind brings about so many happy memories.

So... why do I bring this up today? Well.... I want you to wonder... what makes YOU happy? I'm sure there's something. Ok... picturing it in your mind? Well.... remember it. When life gets you down, you're feeling kind of "blah" or you're just having one of those days.... go back in your mind to that place... or moment. Even for a brief second.... doesn't it make you feel just a little bit better?

Next time you're somewhere you enjoy.... take a snapshot in your mind. I do it all the time.... say to yourself... "remember this moment...." It really works. I can picture myself standing near the train station at Disney... looking at all the people... smelling that "Disney smell," yes... Disney has a SMELL.... and I'm smiling. I watch my kids fight over who gets to hold the map and which ride to go first. ahhhhh..... happiness.

So.... tell me.....What is it that makes YOU smile?

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