Wednesday, July 27, 2011

winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.....

I went to the cemetery the other day to visit my grandma and grandpa.  It's kind of nice, as they're buried only a few blocks from my house... so I'm able to stop by quite often.  I love going... it's peaceful... and gives me the time to sit and remember all those special moments we had together.  Although I never was able to meet my Grandpa Balling... I imagine what he was like..... and wonder what parts of me are just like him.  He liked having parties... so there's ONE thing.  And he had a big smile... ok... two. 

When I visit, I usually have a bottle of some sort with me to water their flowers.  As I look around at all the other grave sites with their wilting pots, I spend awhile watering everyone else's flowers too... it's so sad for me to think that they've wilted due to lack of care.  So... an hour later... I'm still watering.  Kinda makes me feel like I've accomplished something... I'm sure my grandparents look down on me and laugh.... because they know I'd spend the entire day there watering every one's flowers if I could.

This weekend, we're going to Chicago.  It's where my dad is from... and where my brother and most favorite Aunt currently live.  My grandparents lived right in the city.... can't remember which side (west, north, east...)  but I remember the address:  4042 W. George Street.  They had an alley... and lived a few blocks from a playground.  I think my grandfather's pants fell down there once while he was pushing me on the swing when I was little.  My grandparents took us to McDonald's.... always bought us new clothes and sneakers.... and one of my most favorite parts... we went to Jewel to buy Oscar Meyer Sandwich Spread.  MMMMMMM.... good stuff!  Although faint, I can still hear both of their voices.... and see my grandmother serving us lunch.  She never sat down.... a trait I know I got from her.  She was your typical polish lady... always with a ton of food and a big smile.

Memories.  We all have them.  Good ones, and not so good ones.  We make new ones all the time... but do we make enough?  Times are tough nowadays.... money is tight... people are stressed.  But you know what?  We still need to make memories.  I want my kids to see everything I had the opportunity to see.  I want them to be bored in the car on the way to Chicago.  I want them to have to use a rest-stop.  (Eww.)  I would love for them to see and experience as much as they possibly can... life is too short to be bored!  Although they will never know their great-grandparents, I tell them as much as I can about them.  I show them pictures and tell them stories.  It's always fun to go to Chicago and show them all the things I did there as a child... it not only makes ME smile remembering the old days... it allows me to share a piece of my history with them.

Memories.  Capture them while you can.  It's never too late... and always worthwhile.  What memories will YOU make today?

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