Saturday, July 16, 2011

just jelly.... thanks.

Peanuts. Tree Nuts. Shellfish. I must have said those words a million times since the summer of 2003. These are things that have given me nightmares..... made me cry.... and are so dangerous to my oldest daughter, that the mere thought of them in my house make me sick to my stomach.

I'll never ever forget the words of Mehri's pediatrician. "She can have all table food."he says. I asked "What about peanut butter?" His answer: "Well... if she's allergic, she's allergic."

Guess what? She's allergic. And not just a little allergic.... A LOT allergic.

Some people don't understand, this isn't an allergy that will make her sneeze or give her hives. It's an allergy that closes her throat so she can't breathe. It sends her into anaphylactic shock. Ultimately, if not treated correctly... it will kill her. The first time I gave her a little bit of peanut butter on a piece of bread, her reaction was very fast. Within seconds, her lips swelled, and she began vomiting. Within minutes, her face blew up in hives... I swear to you I have never ever seen any one's ears get so big in my life. Lucky for us, this was her first reaction... so her breathing wasn't affected. Next time... we won't be so lucky. I won't forget the doctors and nurses at Children's Hospital putting an IV in her little arm.... nor the screaming that accompanied it..... it's a scene burned into my memory for life... and one I never ever hope to re-play.

Those of you with this type of allergy or have someone you love with this type of allergy know how much stress this causes. Anxiety. Sleepless nights. Worry. However, I believe God only gives us as much as one can handle. He wants me to turn this horrible negative into a positive.... somehow.

Over these past 8 years, I've educated many people about food allergies. People tell me how the knowledge I've given them has changed the way they look at food labels. It has opened their eyes and hearts to kids who suffer from food allergies. I have joined the local food allergy support group, gone to battle with the Town of Tonawanda School District over proper ways to handle children with severe allergies during the school day, and have turned into the "Food Allergy Police" at all family parties and gatherings. I don't even have to ask anymore.... "No nuts, Laura." I smile.

Every year, FAAN (Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network) holds fundraising walks all over the United States to raise money for research to find a cure to food allergies. The walk in Buffalo is on August 13th. My family will be there as "Team Mehri." If you can't walk with us, consider a donation. Over the past few years, new and exciting testing has been done in hopes of finding a cure. Keep your fingers crossed!

As my husband tells me, there are many other things we could have been given when it comes to our children. I am so very grateful for being able to advocate for such an important cause. I see why God entrusted me.... and thank him for giving me the strength to continue day in and day out. It's been trying... and believe me when I tell you.... NEVER easy. However, it's second nature to me now.... and I'm able to deal with it... and deal with it with FLAIR.

Silver lining. There's always one somewhere. Just gotta look for it.

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