Tuesday, July 19, 2011

fate steps in and sees you through....

Yesterday was an eye opener for me.

In a matter of two hours, I went from being happy and worry-less to scared and a nervous wreck. Amazing how your mindset changes when your health is involved.

I had a mammogram yesterday. Just a normal, routine mammogram. Normally, you're in and out... squish.... done. But yesterday, things weren't just right. I sat... and waited. Then, I was called back in to have "more pictures" done. The doctor needed other views. I sat and waited again... all the while watching mindless TV on how Jennifer Lopez and her dorky husband were getting a divorce. Yeah.... I'm sure no one saw THAT was coming.

I was called back again... this time, for a sonogram. Ok... by this point, I was a wreck. And I was alone... with no one to worry with. My phone was locked away.... I couldn't text anyone.... nothing. My mind was racing with thoughts like "How long am I going to live?" and "What are my children going to do without a mommy?" I know.. it's a little dramatic... but it's what races through your mind when you feel like you're going to be told you have breast cancer.

So.. I sat and waited again. Finally.... I was able to see the doctor. "Everything looks fine." he said. "I just wanted to make sure, as you have asymmetrical breasts. blah blah blah..... (fill in medical talk here....) After that... I basically heard nothing because the voices in my head were celebrating too loudly.

Wow. Out of the blue. In an instant... my life could have changed. And you know what? I was so not ready for it to do so. I have so many things that I haven't done yet. So many people I haven't met. So much a head of me.... so much happiness to pursue.

So here's my message for today: Life is too short. If there are things you haven't done, do them. If you are unhappy for any reason.... change that reason. Celebrate what you have, give and love others unconditionally, whisper "I love you" to that person in your life that makes you feel happy. You'll never have a second chance.... you live ONE life.... be sure you're not taking it for granted..... live it to the fullest.

I know I will.

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