Friday, July 8, 2011

it's what's on the inside.....

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Such a true statement. But as I was getting ready this morning... I began to think.... is it?

Every morning I have a routine. I get up and shower, trudge downstairs to make Mehri her lunch, catch up on the morning news (and Facebook, of course!) wake up the kids and begin to ready myself for the day. I blowdry my hair, straighten it if need be, goop it all up with 3 different hair products... then start on the makeup.

This morning... I stopped and looked in the mirror. Why do I bother? Foundation, powder, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara..... all in an attempt to do what?

I have a picture of Reza and I on my mirror from when we first met. He was a little bit skinnier.... I was EVER so much skinnier... and young. My face was bright and worryless. I didn't have to get lunch ready for kids, nor worry that everyone had clean underwear for the day. I got up... ate breakfast and did what I had to do. There was no stress of bills, house cleaning, peanut allergies, or work. Life was simple.

So, as I started to paint up my face of the day.... I realized. I do this for me. Granted, Reza likes me to have make-up on.... but all in all.... it's MY decision to try to try and remain beautiful. It shows the world that I care about myself, and want to make the world a better place. No, I'm not vain. Do I think I'm beautiful? On the outside....No. But on the inside... absolutely. The hair, the make-up.... it's superficial.... but it helps me show how happy I am on the inside. Think about it... when you feel BLAH.... you look BLAH. I see now that this whole routine.... it's all about lifting my spirits.... so I can look back at that photo of Reza and I and say.... "Ya know what... I've aged gracefully."

So as YOU look in the mirror today, really look at yourself. Are you trying your hardest to be as beautiful as you can be? Behind the make-up and hair product.... what's inside? Do you smile often? Do you complemet someone "just because?" Do you sacrfice for someone just because you love them? We're all going to get older. And as I've realized.... more beautiful by the day.

Yep. Beauty really IS in the eye of the beholder.

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