Tuesday, July 26, 2011

do happy.

"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself." ~Max Ehrmann

Everyone has this habit. You compare cars, houses, jobs, shoes, relationships, social popularity.... the list goes on. At the end of the day, you pummel your self-esteem into the ground and create a lot of negative thoughts and feelings within.


Compare yourself to yourself. We often compare someones strength to our weaknesses. How is that fair? Take a look at what you have achieved, and how close you have gotten to your goals. This is a great habit to start, as you'll create gratitude and kindness towards yourself, be able to see the obstacles you have overcome, and the great stuff you have done. You'll feel good about yourself without feeling less of other people.

Realize.... you can't win. No matter what you do, chances are someone in the world has more than you, is better than you at something, is skinnier, prettier, and has more money. It's the way it is.... wallowing in self-pity is NOT a way to go through life. Turn it around. Find something in you that you really love. Focus on helping people and being kind. Nobody is perfect. Intellectually, we all know that.... but emotionally, we seem to feel bad for ourselves when we don't reach perfection. You aren't perfect - and you never will be. I certainly am not, and I've learned to be ok with that. Look at it in a different way....that imperfection is what makes you who you are..... so you already are perfect!

Last of all.... SMILE! You are truly amazing. Start treating yourself as such.

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